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Titles beginning with "B"

Bringing Heaven Down to Earth Connecting This Life to the Next

Heaven continues to be a neglected element of the Christian life. We profess it to be eternally important and then live as if it doesn't exist. By taking a new look at the biblical pictur...

Format eBook
ISBN 9780875523484
Price $7.49

Broken Pieces and the God Who Mends Them Schizophrenia through a Mother's Eyes

When a son, sister, or grandchild begins to behave in unexpected and disturbing ways, family members hope it is simply a phase. For some, it is instead a lifetime illness—schizophre...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9781629953960
Direct Price $24.99 $18.99

Building a Christian World View Vol. 1: God, Man, and Knowledge

This book is only available via print on demand. A minimum order of 5 copies is required. To place an order, please email or call 1-800-631-009...

Format Paperback
ISBN 9781596380608
Availability: Out of stock
Price $19.99

Burnout Resting in God's Fairness

Burnout occurs when the things that once gave us life and energy become discouraging and draining instead, sacrificing our pleasures and accomplishments to the continual onslaught of "nex...

Format Booklet, eBook
ISBN 9781596386624
Direct Price $6.99 $5.50

By Faith, Not by Sight Paul and the Order of Salvation

Proponents of the "New Perspective" on Paul generally reject or minimize the concept of an ordo salutis ("order of salvation") in his writings. Building on the biblical-theological ground...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9781596384439
Availability: 70 in stock
Direct Price $14.99 $11.50