Reformed Expository Bible Studies
As tools for biblical transformation, Reformed Expository Bible Studies are designed to help groups and individuals to study the Bible for themselves—understanding it and applying its truths to daily life.
What do respected pastors and Bible teachers say about the Reformed Expository Bible Studies series?
- “Having benefitted, along with many others, from the excellent and accessible Reformed Expository Commentary series, I heartily commend this companion initiative.” —Harry Reeder
- “I am thankful to see this development in the Reformed Expository Commentary series, allowing these excellent, pastoral commentaries to get an even wider use in the church.” —Bryan Chapell
- “The Reformed Expository Bible Study series will help readers to understand every text in light of the whole of the Bible—as well as the person and work of Christ.” —Nancy Guthrie
- “I highly recommend the Reformed Expository Bible Study series for those who desire to read the Bible through a redemptive-historical lens that will help them to draw out good gospel implications for all of life and ministry.” —Stephen T. Um
1 Kings The Rise and Decline of David's House, A 13-Week Study
The downfall of God’s Old Testament people begins in 1 Kings, yet this study draws out the hope of the gospel for people caught up in idolatry and political turmoil. This Reformed E...
Format | Paperback, eBook |
ISBN | 9798887790046 |
Direct Price | $11.99 $9.00 |
1 Peter Grace-Driven Discipleship in a Difficult Age, A 13-Lesson Study
Christians are aliens and exiles in an often hostile world—and yet the work of Christ enables us to live lives that are marked by hope, joy, courage, and faithfulness. This Reformed...
Format | Paperback, eBook |
ISBN | 9781629957104 |
Direct Price | $11.99 $9.00 |
1 Samuel A King after God's Own Heart, A 13-Lesson Study
First Samuel is a riveting read that introduces us to some of the most memorable figures in the Old Testament. The greatest of its heroes is David, a mighty man of faith who makes his dis...
Format | Paperback, eBook |
ISBN | 9781629958385 |
Direct Price | $11.99 $9.00 |
1 Timothy Defend the Faith, A 13-Lesson Study
Paul’s first pastoral letter to Timothy is full of profound teaching about the attributes and activities of God—and holds many implications for life and worship in the local ...
Format | Paperback, eBook |
ISBN | 9781629957074 |
Direct Price | $11.99 $9.00 |
2 Kings The Decline and Fall of Israel and Judah, A 13-Week Study
In the life of Elisha and 2 Kings’ tale of political tragedy, discover God’s concern for needy people as well as the consequences of idolatry—a warning to believers toda...
Format | Paperback, eBook |
ISBN | 9798887791159 |
Direct Price | $11.99 $9.00 |
Daniel Faith Enduring through Adversity, A 13-Lesson Study
The fiery furnace. The lions’ den. We all know the stories. But the book of Daniel, with its high moral standard and bewildering prophecies, is daunting nonetheless. Dare to be a Da...
Format | Paperback, eBook |
ISBN | 9781629956794 |
Direct Price | $11.99 $9.00 |
Ecclesiastes Enjoyment East of Eden, A 13-Lesson Study
Ecclesiastes may seem like a gloomy book, but its powerful message points to the necessity of Christ—the one who defeats death, ends injustice, and brings eternal hope. With the hel...
Format | Paperback, eBook |
ISBN | 9781629956329 |
Direct Price | $11.99 $9.00 |
Ephesians The Glory of Christ in the Life of the Church, A 13-Lesson Study
In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul celebrates God’s amazing grace that saves individuals, empowers the church, and, through both, reshapes the world. Although the forces around us...
Format | Paperback, eBook |
ISBN | 9781629958354 |
Direct Price | $11.99 $9.00 |
Esther & Ruth The Lord Delivers and Redeems, A 13-Lesson Study
The Old Testament narratives of Esther and Ruth feature women and men who act boldly and ultimately receive God’s blessing. So does God help those who help themselves? Actually, he ...
Format | Paperback, eBook |
ISBN | 9781629957586 |
Direct Price | $11.99 $9.00 |
Galatians The Gospel of Free Grace, A 13-Lesson Study
We’re all tempted to think there must be something we can do to make ourselves good enough for God—or at least to put ourselves more in his favor. But Paul wrote his letter to...
Format | Paperback, eBook |
ISBN | 9781629951096 |
Direct Price | $11.99 $9.00 |