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Unleash The Quest for Truth, Book 3

"Claws raised, mouth open, it was coming for her!" Game on! The Wikk kids unleash fresh courage in the face of new adventures! Working as a team, they tackle their greatest dangers yet: l...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9781596382473
Direct Price $12.99 $10.00

Unshakable Standing Firm in a Shifting Culture

Let the world deride or pity, I will glory in your name. We have a hope to hold on to and to hold out to others—how do we explain it? How do we love those who are suffering or speak...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9781629951607
Direct Price $12.99 $10.00

Uprooting Anger Biblical Help for a Common Problem

Grandma was right. You've got to get the weeds by the roots, or they'll just grow back. So too with deep-rooted anger. Moralistic efforts to be patient with your coworkers won't cut it. R...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9781596380059
Direct Price $16.99 $13.00

Van Til's Apologetic Readings and Analysis

In this volume, Bahnsen has gathered the primary passages on apologetics from the vast body of works by Cornelius Van Til, arranged them topically, and added incisive commentary and analy...

Format Hardcover
ISBN 9780875520988
Direct Price $45.99 $34.50

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Vulnerability Blessing in the Beatitudes

We do not like to be vulnerable. It makes us feel defenseless and opens the door to being hurt. But, as difficult as it may be, vulnerability is necessary for us to be loved by others and...

Format Booklet, eBook
ISBN 9781596384163
Direct Price $6.99 $5.50

The Walk Steps for New and Renewed Followers of Jesus

Stephen Smallman -- The Walk from Shane Trammel on Vimeo.  I want to follow Jesus, but I . . . don't know anything about the Bible. don't have a Christian background. have drifted s...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9781596380936
Direct Price $14.99 $11.50

Walkin' Wise

These songs draw out applications from the books of Psalms, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes.

Format CD
ISBN 9785550029060
Availability: 5 in stock
Direct Price $14.99 $7.50

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Walking with Jesus through His Word Discovering Christ in All the Scriptures

What connects the whole Bible into one purposeful story?  Dennis Johnson takes readers of the Bible on a journey of discovery through the Old and New Testaments, pointing out a netwo...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9781596382206
Direct Price $29.99 $22.50

War of Words Getting to the Heart of Your Communication Struggles

"Talk" seems so normal, so ordinary, so harmless. Yet there are few things we do that are more important. And underneath the normality of it all is a great struggle, a war of words that w...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9780875526041
Direct Price $17.99 $13.50

War Psalms of the Prince of Peace, Second Edition Lessons from the Imprecatory Psalms

25th Anniversary Revised And Expanded Edition Although the Psalms are much beloved by readers of the Bible, some hostile language in individual psalms may be disconcerting. Are these seem...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9781629952734
Direct Price $15.99 $12.00