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Authors » George W. Robertson

George W. Robertson is the senior pastor of Second Presbyterian Church in Memphis, Tennessee.

<a href="/authors">Authors</a> » George W. Robertson

Am I Called?

How can you be sure of a call to pastoral ministry? What qualifications do you need? What exactly are you being called to? Answering a call means dedicating your life to service through p...

Format Booklet
ISBN 9781596385436
Direct Price $6.99 $5.50

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What Is Evangelism?

What is evangelism? Although the term is basic to the Christian faith, evangelism can take many forms in practice. Is there a "correct" way to evangelize? George W. Robertson shows how Go...

Format Booklet
ISBN 9781596387669
Direct Price $6.99 $5.50

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Am I Called?

Am I Called?

How can you be sure of a call to pastoral ministry? What qualifications do you need? What exactly are you being called to? Answering a call means dedicating your life to service through p...

Format Paperback
ISBN 9781596385436
Availability: Out of stock
Super Bargain Price $4.99 $1.00
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What Is Evangelism?

What Is Evangelism?

What is evangelism? Although the term is basic to the Christian faith, evangelism can take many forms in practice. Is there a "correct" way to evangelize? George W. Robertson shows how Go...

Format Booklet
ISBN 9781596387669
Availability: Out of stock
Super Bargain Price $4.99 $1.50
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