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Puritan Papers

Vol. 5, 1968-1969

edited by

Super Bargain Price : $19.99 $3.00
Format: Paperback, eBook
Availability: 2 in stock
Pages: 240
ISBN: 9780875524702
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Publication Date 04/08/05

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Volume 5 brings to conclusion the Puritan Papers edited by J. I. Packer. The seventy-six papers in these five volumes were originally given at an annual conference that played a vital role in reinvigorating evangelicalism in Great Britain and beyond.

This final volume offers eleven chapters, two by the editor: "Arminianisms" and "The Doctrine of Justification among the Puritans." Accompanying the former are John R. de Witt's "The Arminian Conflict and the Synod of Dort" and David R. Smith's "John Fletcher: An Arminian Upholder of Holiness."

The final chapter, D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones's "Can We Learn from History?" is a fitting conclusion to the five volumes: ". . . it is always essential for us to supplement our reading of theology with the reading of church history. ... if we do not, we shall be in danger of becoming abstract, theoretical, and academic in our view of truth; and, failing to relate it to the practicalities of life and daily living, we shall soon be in trouble."


"Every one of the sixteen chapters contains valuable information and advice. . . . all are beneficial in fostering interest and understanding of the Puritans. . . . Recommended."

—Christine Farenhorst, Christian Renewal