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First John Reader

Intermediate Greek Reading Notes and Grammar

Direct Price: $22.99 $17.00
Format: Paperback
Pages: 160
ISBN: 9780875520957
Publication Date 07/01/99

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An inductive introduction to intermediate Greek syntax, this reader enables students to apply the rudiments of Greek grammar to the actual interpretation of 1 John. The author of the innovative A New Testament Greek Primer, S. M. Baugh provides here a bridge between the study of Greek forms and the intelligent use of reference grammars.

This reader features:

  • relevant reading notes on the text of 1 John
  • useful vocabulary lists
  • helpful review of lessons from A New Testament Greek Primer
  • cross reference to other grammars: Machen, Mounce, Wenham, and Black

A First John Reader is ideal for intermediate students of Greek or those who want to review their knowledge of Greek with assistance in translation and interpretation. 

The Author

S.M. Baugh

S.M. Baugh

S. M. Baugh (MDiv, Westminster Seminary California; PhD, University of California, Irvine) is professor of New Testament at Westminster Seminary California. He has taught Greek since 1983, written commentaries, and contributed exegetical articles in numerous publications.

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