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Finding A Job You Can Love

Price: $19.99
Format: Paperback
Availability: Out of stock
Pages: 192
ISBN: 9780875523934
Publication Date 08/01/99


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Do you wish you had a job you could love? An estimated 50–80 percent of working Americans are in the wrong line of work. If you suspect you're part of the misfit majority, there's a way to find a job that's right for you. Ralph T. Mattson and Arthur F. Miller Jr. will lead you through a personal inventory of who you are and what you are cut out to do. Viewing work as a sacred calling, they show how to assess your unique God-given design identify your specific gifts, harness natural interests and motivations, avoid confusion and self-deception, and discover work that brings genuine delight.

"Being in a job or role suitable for our gifts is essential in fulfilling God's will," say Mattson and Miller. Whether you're looking for a first vocation or a new one, they offer both clear thinking and practical direction on how to glorify God by enjoying the work he has created you to do.

The Authors

Ralph T. Mattson

Ralph T. Mattson

Ralph T. Mattson was founder of the DOMA Group, a consulting firm that equips corporations to make effective use of human resources. Previously he had been the executive vice president of People Management International, Ltd.

Arthur F. Miller Jr.

Arthur F. Miller Jr.

Arthur F. Miller Jr. (JD, Northwestern University) was the founder of People Management International, Ltd., which improves business and personal performance by matching work requirements and the strengths of workers.