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Authors » Darby Strickland

Darby Strickland counsels and teaches at the Christian Counseling & Education Foundation in Glenside, Pennsylvania. She is the author of a number of works on abuse, trauma, and related topics.

<a href="/authors">Authors</a> » Darby Strickland

Domestic Abuse Help for the Sufferer

What characterizes your marriage? Marriage is a place for sacrificial giving—so a spouse who uses it to gain power and control is violating God’s design. If you are being oppr...

Format Booklet, eBook
ISBN 9781629953250
Direct Price $5.99 $4.50

Domestic Abuse Recognize, Respond, Rescue

What hope is there when a loved one’s marriage is abusive? One spouse seeking to control and dominate the other is a prevalent problem, and even Christian marriages are not safe fro...

Format Booklet, eBook
ISBN 9781629953281
Direct Price $5.99 $4.50

Is It Abuse? A Biblical Guide to Identifying Domestic Abuse and Helping Victims

  For years, biblical counselor Darby Strickland has served women in oppressive marriages. Now she writes to anyone who wants to help, regardless of their level of experience. You w...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9781629956947
Direct Price $22.99 $17.99

Trauma Caring for Survivors

Survivors of trauma often face extreme and overwhelming suffering. Their wounds are so complex—anyone who desires to effectively treat the vast impacts of trauma must offer comprehe...

Format Booklet, eBook
ISBN 9781629959863
Direct Price $5.99 $4.50

Desenmascaremos el abuso Una guía bíblica para identificar el abuso doméstico y ayudar a las víctimas

Durante años, el consejero bíblico Darby Strickland ha servido a mujeres en matrimonios opresivos. Ahora escribe a cualquiera que quiera ayudar, independientemente de su niv...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9798887790879
Direct Price $17.99 $13.99

El abuso doméstico Ayuda para las víctimas

¿Qué caracteriza tu matrimonio? El matrimonio es un lugar para entregarse de manera sacrificial, por lo que un cónyuge que lo usa para obtener poder y control est&aac...

Format Booklet, eBook
ISBN 9798887790961
Direct Price $4.99 $3.99

El abuso doméstico Reconoce, responde, rescata

¿Qué esperanza hay cuando el matrimonio de un ser querido es abusivo? Un cónyuge que busca controlar y dominar al otro es un problema frecuente, e incluso los matrimo...

Format Booklet, eBook
ISBN 9798887790985
Direct Price $4.99 $3.99

El trauma Cómo atender a los sobrevivientes

Los supervivientes de un trauma a menudo se enfrentan a un sufrimiento extremo y abrumador. Sus heridas son tan complejas que cualquiera que desee tratar eficazmente los enormes impa...

Format Booklet, eBook
ISBN 9798887791005
Direct Price $4.99 $3.99