*Here is a list of upcoming titles to look out for this year!
What book are you most excited about?
- Connected by Sam Allberry
- Christianity & World Religions by Derek Cooper
- Mark by the Book by Peter W. Smuts
- Reclaiming Monergism by Matthew M. Barrett
- Aliens in the Promised Land, Edited by Anthony Bradley
- The Huddle by Shawn M. Brower
- Extravagant Grace by Barbara Duguid
- Housewife Theologian by Aimee Y. Byrd
- Pure Joy by Christopher B. Ash
- Bible Study, A Students Guide by Jon Nielson
- Encountering God Together by David G. Peterson
- A Big Enough Comfort by Starr Meade
Forthcoming Series Titles
NEW SERIES! Apologia:
- Science and the Problem of Evil by William Edgar
- Christianity and the Role of Philosophy by Scott K. Oliphint
- Should You Believe in God? by Scott K. Oliphint
- Was Jesus Really Born of a Virgin? by Brandon D. Crowe
- Creation, Evolution, and Intelligent Design by Guillermo Gonzalez
- Interpreting Genesis 1 by Vern S. Poythress
Basics of the Faith:
- What Happens After Death? by Richard D. Phillips
- What Is Mercy Ministry? by Philip Graham Ryken
- Am I Called? by George Robertson
- Is Jesus In the Old Testament? by Iain M. Duguid
The Gospel According to the Old Testament:
- Living in the Light of Inextinguishable Hope by Iain M. Duguid
Explorations In Biblical Theology:
- Justification by Grace through Faith by Brian Vickers
The Gospel for Real Life:
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder by Jeremy Lelek
- Depression by Margaret Ashmore
- Sexual Abuse by Robert W. Kellemen
- Burnout by Brad C. Hambrick
Living Word Bible Studies:
- Psalms, Volume 2 by Kathleen B. Nielson
The Dark Harvest Trilogy:
- The Scarlet Bishop by Jeremiah W. Montgomery
Reformed Expository Commentary:
- Philippians by Dennis E. Johnson
New from Sally Michael:
- God’s Providence
*Titles are subject to change