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Marriage Whose Dream?

The ultimate spouse. The dream marriage. Where do they fall on your wish list? If your marriage seems less than ideal, is your patience with God wearing thin? It's possible to get caught ...

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ISBN 9780875526751
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Marriage Conflict Talking as Teammates

How we communicate with one another matters—especially in a marriage. The Bible reminds us to use words that build up our spouses, not tear them down. Whether your marriage is a ver...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9781629956855
Direct Price $11.99 $9.00

Una mente apacible Doce estrategias para transformar tus pensamientos indeseados

¿Estás distraído por pensamientos acelerados o ansiosos? ¿angustiado por pensamientos intrusivos o irracionales? ¿luchando con pensamientos pecaminosos ...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9798887790343
Direct Price $14.99 $11.50

Money Seeking God's Wisdom

Do you have money troubles? Often the underlying issue is not money but the promise of security, possessions, and pleasure that it brings. To lay a strong foundation for true financial su...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9781629954974
Direct Price $11.99 $9.00

Motherhood Hope for Discouraged Moms

"What's wrong with me and my kids? How could I have messed up something so important? How can I be failing at parenthood?" You are a mother, and your job is vital. You have given your chi...

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ISBN 9781596381698
Direct Price $6.99 $5.50

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Motives Why Do I Do the Things I Do

People are complex. There is behavior that we see and motives that we don't. Behind the "what we do" of our lives is the "why we do it." Edward T. Welch challenges us to peer more closely...

Format Paperback
ISBN 9780875526928
Direct Price $5.99 $4.50

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OCD Freedom for the Obsessive-Compulsive

Repeated thoughts about contamination. Recurring doubts. A need to have things in a particular order. An irrational fear of getting a life-threatening disease. Repetitive checking, washin...

Format Paperback
ISBN 9780875526980
Direct Price $5.99 $4.50

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Passions of the Heart Biblical Counsel for Stubborn Sexual Sins

Enticed by rage, sensuality, or pride, anyone can become caught up in previously unimaginable acts. Experienced biblical counselor John Street takes a hard look at the heart idolatri...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9781629954028
Direct Price $19.99 $15.00

Personal Counseling Journal

The insights gained during biblical counseling can be your most profound for spiritual growth—they shouldn’t be jotted down on scraps of paper and lost! This specially designe...

Format Paperback
ISBN 9781629956411
Direct Price $7.99 $3.20

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Picking Up the Pieces Recovering from Broken Relationships

When a romantic relationship is torn apart, it can wreak havoc in the lives and emotions of everyone involved. The pain is all the worse if you were not the one who wanted the relationshi...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9781596383807
Direct Price $19.99 $15.00