

Book Giveaway!

You have a chance to win 1 of 3 great prizes! You have from today, November 18th through Wednesday, November 20th to get your name entered for the drawing. We will announce the winners on November 21st. Check out the prizes and the rules below. Prizes: One lucky Grand Prize winner will win 3 new …

Book Giveaway Next Week!

We have a great book giveaway opportunity for you planned to go live next week. Stay tuned! The books to be included in this book giveaway: Systematic Theology by John Frame ($49.99 value) Housewife Theologian by Aimee Byrd ($12.99 value) Should You Believe in God? by K. Scott Oliphint ($4.99 value) Make sure to check …

10.4 Pounds of Theology

Between our two new Theology books, Thy Word Is Still Truth and Systematic Theology, there is a total of 2,720 pages and a combined weight of 10.4 pounds. That being said, there is a lot that each of these books have to offer, but it is the content of both of these books that we …