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BOOK HIGHLIGHT — By Faith, Not by Sight: Paul and the Order of Salvation by Richard B. Gaffin Jr.

By Faith, Not by Sight: Paul and the Order of Salvation, 2nd Edition by Richard B. Gaffin Jr.

160 pages | $14.99 | Paperback | SAMPLE CHAPTER


Proponents of the “New Perspective” on Paul generally reject or minimize the concept of an ordo salutis (“order of salvation”) in his writings. Building on the biblical-theological groundwork of the Reformed tradition, Richard B. Gaffin Jr. explores Paul’s understanding of how individuals receive salvation.

Even Peter acknowledged that Paul wrote some things that are hard to understand, yet the central elements of Paul’s teaching are clearly explained by Gaffin as he unfolds Paul’s focus on Christ’s death and resurrection and the essence of his ordo salutis.


“A rich and deeply satisfying theological treat!”

—Sinclair Ferguson

“No one can read this book without being struck again by the depth and coherence of the apostle’s teaching—and by Gaffin’s skill in expounding it.”

—Moisés Silva, Formerly Professor of New Testament at Westminster Theological Seminary and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

“Masterful and penetrating survey of Paul’s teaching on the application of redemption. . . . Should be in the hands of every minister of the Word and student of Scripture.”

—Guy Prentiss Waters, Professor of New Testament, Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson

“Brings clarity and precision to recent discussions concerning the content of the divinely revealed gospel proclaimed by the apostle Paul.”

—Dennis E. Johnson, Professor of Practical Theology, Westminster Seminary California

“Clear, perceptive, and exegetically satisfying, this potent little book is a valuable—and timely—gift to the church.”

—Charles E. Hill, Professor of New Testament, Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando

About The Author

Richard B. Gaffin Jr. is professor emeritus of biblical and systematic theology at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia.


Author Highlight — Robert W. Kellemen

Robert W. Kellemen, through his three pastoral ministries, seminary teaching, and RPM Ministries, has equipped hundreds of people as biblical counselors and spiritual friends. Bob is a professor of Biblical Counseling at Faith Bible Seminary and lead elder at Bethel Church. You can follow him on Twitter: @BobKellemen.

Equipping Counselors for Your Church: The 4E Ministry Training Strategy

Leaders know that the ministries most effective at changing lives must train their members to become leaders themselves. After all, God’s people want to change lives too—but we are all tired of approaches that promise much and deliver little. We are ready for an equipping ministry that is Christ-centered, comprehensive, easy to implement, and relationship-oriented; not program-focused.

The 4E Ministry Training Strategy, tested in hundreds of churches, is a best-practice tool for empowering God’s people to make disciples. Launch a revolution in one-another disciple-making, and equip your church to become a place not simply with biblical counseling, but of biblical counseling.

Read a sample of this book by clicking HERE.

“This is a must-read book. . . . A masterful job at helping us all think about how to be truly effective in the culture in which Christ has placed us.”

—Steve Viars, Senior Pastor, Faith Baptist Church, Lafayette, Indiana; Author of Putting Your Past In Its Place 

“An excellent resource for both individual leaders and also group discussion. This is the book for you if you want to launch a biblical counseling ministry.”

—Randy Patten, Executive Director, National Association of Nouthetic Counselors

The Gospel for Real Life

The Gospel for Real Life booklet series by the Association of Biblical Counselors (ABC) applies the timeless hope of Christ to the unique struggles of modern believers.

Anxiety: Anatomy and Cure

Worry, doubt, and fear get the best of us all sometimes, and often there is no way to get rid of them. Anxiety, like any other negative emotion, is a twisted version of something positive from God; since we live in a fallen world, we may never have full victory over it.

However, Bob Kellemen proves that we can have victory in our anxiety—can learn how to use it when it strikes and avoid the temptation to sin. In this biblical study, he lays out a proper Christian view of anxiety, from creation to fall to redemption to consummation. Along the way, he helps us to apply the gospel to our daily lives and reclaim anxiety for what it should be—vigilance to motivate us to do God’s work.

“This booklet has put in one place key biblical principles for addressing a common human issue biblically, realistically, practically, and compassionately.”

—Ernie Baker, Professor of Biblical Counseling, The Master’s College; NANC-Certified Counselor

“Bob teaches us how to deal honestly with our emotions while calling us to a lifestyle of daily surrendering them to the mind of Christ.”

—Paul Tautges, Pastor, Immanuel Bible Church; Author of Counsel One Another

Sexual Abuse: Beauty for Ashes

Sexual abuse ravages the soul, causing unimaginable distress, damage, and disgrace. It is faced honestly and openly in the Bible—but can the church truly help those who have been sexually abused?

Bob Kellemen says yes, it can; and using the biblical story of Amnon and Tamar, he realistically portrays the damages wrought by sexual abuse and the relevancy of God’s Word to this difficult topic. He then takes us on a journey toward healing, helping sufferers to reclaim beauty from the ashes of abuse and to move from victim to victor.

“Dr. Kellemen’s gospel insights are for both the sexually abused and the pastor. . . . You will find a clear and caring path . . . that will give you hope.”

—Ed Welch, Faculty Member, Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation

“Kellemen offers clear, accessible, gospel-based help for the many victims of sexual abuse and teaches us all how to face sexual abuse side by side with Christ.”

—Justin and Lindsey Holcomb, Authors of Rid of My Disgrace: Hope and Healing for Victims of Sexual Assault


Living Word Bible Studies — Series Design Change

We have updated the design of this series. Along with new covers, the binding of these Bible studies changed from metal spiral binding to layflat binding. The content of these books did not get edited or altered in any way. As we run out of stock of the old style books, we will be replacing them with the new cover. The first 3 titles are: Colossians & Philemon, Isaiah, and Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs.

Old Testament                   New Testament

Isaiah_new   Colossians and Philemon_new

Living Word Bible Studies offer a guide into deeper study of God’s Word, one whole book at a time. Five days of questions in each lesson lead the way to careful textual study, with helpful context and commentary woven throughout. The aim is to read the Scriptures—and to learn to read the Scriptures—with ever increasing discernment, delight, and conviction.

1 & 2 Thessalonians: Living the Gospel to the End

This Bible Study has 10 Lessons

The apostle Paul’s letters to the Thessalonians form part of an exciting, complex story of the growth of the New Testament church. Amidst false teaching and persecution, missionary trips and newly planted churches, Paul urges the Thessalonians to walk steadfastly and points them to the ultimate hope of the gospel—the day of the Lord when Jesus will come again. Kathleen Nielson helps us dive into the excitement of the early church and challenges us to live more faithfully as members of Christ’s body, until he comes again.

Colossians and Philemon: Continue to Live in Him

This Bible Study has 10 Lessons

Colossians and Philemon are two of Paul’s “prison epistles”—letters written while he was imprisoned for preaching Jesus Christ as Lord. Even in the face of persecution, prison bars could not contain Paul’s zeal for the gospel. In his letter to the Colossian church he sounded the alarm of false teaching and encouraged the believers to find sufficiency in Christ. In his letter to Philemon he pleaded for mercy and forgiveness for a runaway slave. Kathleen Nielson helps us see how these messages are still relevant and alive in many ways.

Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs: Wisdom’s Searching and Finding

This Bible Study has 10 Lessons

Poetry speaks to us as whole people, appealing in unique ways to our imaginations and emotions as well as to our intellects. Song of Songs and Ecclesiastes are beautiful Old Testament poetic books that answer two of life’s deepest questions: “What is the meaning of life?” and “What is love?” Kathleen Nielson takes us on a journey into these image-filled Scriptures, equipping us to relish God’s Word in poetic form.

Isaiah: The Lord Saves

This Bible Study has 24 Lessons

Sometimes called the “Romans of the Old Testament,” the book of Isaiah is a theological masterpiece. Not only does it deliver some of the most beautiful poetry in the Bible, but it also gives us a glimpse into God’s perspective on human history and his magnificent redemptive plan. Kathleen Nielson helps us apply this book to ourselves as the people of God and points us to our Savior, the promised Messiah.

John: That You May Believe

This Bible Study has 20 Lessons

John: That You May Believe guides you through what many consider to be the most artful and poetic of the gospels. Opening with a remarkably beautiful, mind-stretching statement of who Jesus is, John clearly reveals Jesus’ identity as the promised Christ, the Son of God, come to bring life to those who believe in his name. Its portrait of the Word made flesh rewards careful study so “that you may believe.”

Joshua: All God’s Good Promises

This Bible Study has 10 Lessons

The book of Joshua offers adventure, great stories, vivid characters, and—above all—an amazing account of the way God fulfills his promises to his people. Joshua is not bare history; it is history with a point—and the point is that God’s Word is true—always, completely, without fail. Kathleen Nielson challenges us to live according to that Word. She reminds us that God’s promises are just as good and true for God’s people today as they were in Joshua’s day—and they are now completed and fulfilled in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Nehemiah: Rebuilt and Rebuilding

This Bible Study has 10 Lessons

Nehemiah is not only an example of great leadership; his story shows us in living color God’s sovereign plan to work through his people for his redemptive purposes in Jesus Christ. Kathleen leads us to immerse ourselves in a dramatic story of God’s people led by a godly leader at a crucial point in salvation history. As we follow the rebuilding of the wall, we witness God’s faithfulness in preserving a chosen people according to his promises, and we realize our need for a savior.

Proverbs: The Ways of Wisdom

This Bible Study has 11 Lessons

A proverb is wisdom in a poetic nutshell: it is small, like a nut, and gives more and more flavorful meaning as we keep pondering it. In the book of Proverbs we find divinely inspired observations concerning how to live rightly as the people of God. Proverbs’ wisdom is far from theoretical; wisdom given by our Creator relates to every part of his creation—from our words, to our friendships, to our money, to our marriages and children—and on and on. Kathleen Nielson guides us in how to digest the poetry of Proverbs and relish this part of God’s revelation with thankful delight. She encourages us to hear and respond to wisdom’s call and let the light of Christ illuminate our lives.

Psalms, Volume 1: Songs Along the Way

This Bible Study has 12 Lessons

The way of the Psalms is a well-traveled and blessed way! Not just the psalmists but also God’s people throughout many generations have used these words to find their way and to express their prayers and praises to their God along the way. In the Psalms we learn more about God’s ways, human experience, and the beauty of poetic language. Kathleen Nielson invites us to spend time in the Psalms—musing, marking, meditating, memorizing, and praying.

In this first volume, Kathleen Nielson gives an overview of this genre of scripture and equips the reader to explore the whole of the Psalms.

Psalms, Volume 2: Finding the Way to Prayer and Praise

This Bible Study has 12 Lessons

The way of the Psalms is a well-traveled and blessed way! Not just the psalmists but also God’s people throughout many generations have used these words to find their way and to express their prayers and praises to their God along the way. In the Psalms we learn more about God’s ways, human experience, and the beauty of poetic language. Kathleen Nielson invites us to spend time in the Psalms—musing, marking, meditating, memorizing, and praying.

In this second volume, Kathleen focuses on how to study the Psalms. Each lesson guides the study of one psalm and then provides the tools for more independent study of another thematically related psalm.

Endorsements for the Series

“Pastors and Christian educators are always on the lookout for rich, well-researched, reliable, helpful, clear teaching material that will get our people into the Word together, helping us to understand its meaning, to see its implications for us in all of life, and to pray it back to God. These studies supply us with exactly that.”

—Ligon Duncan, senior minister, First Presbyterian Church, Jackson MS

“Dr. Kathleen Nielson uses her great love for and understanding of literature to lead us into rich study of Holy Scripture. Her studies highlight the importance of meditation and self-discovery while providing just enough gentle guidance always to steer us to the Good Shepherd as our hope and strength.”

—Bryan Chapell, president, Covenant Theological Seminary

“With rich insight and wisdom, Kathleen Nielson invites her students ’to grapple with the text’ as she provides helpful contexts and comments along with stimulating study questions. Kathleen’s studies are good food for the soul— challenging, convicting, and very, very encouraging.”

—Carol Ruvolo, acclaimed author of Bible studies

“Because Kathleen Nielsen understands the structure and theology of John’s gospel as it relates to its mastering theme, and because she–a poet herself—is sensitive to John’s use of metaphor and nuanced expression, and because she is committed to letting the text speak for itself, she provides a sure-footed guide through the fourth gospel. An experienced Bible study teacher, her work on John is easy to follow and full of engaging application.”

—R. Kent Hughes, senior pastor emeritus, College Church, Wheaton, IL

“Are you tired of fill-in-the-blank Bible studies? Dr. Nielson drives you closer to the heart of God and his Word through her thoughtful studies. If you don’t want to read a lecture in the form of a commentary, but want to relish the sweeping expanse of Scripture within a book through private inquiry, here is your source.”

—Diane Poythress, Bible study and retreat leader

BOOK HIGHLIGHT — Letters from the Front: J. Gresham Machen’s Correspondence from World War 1 edited by Barry Waugh

Letters from the Front: J. Gresham Machen’s Correspondence from World War 1 edited by Barry Waugh

384 pages | Direct Price: $24.99 $18.50 | SAMPLE CHAPTER


Never before published, here is a glimpse into the formative years of a great campaigner for the faith… and a stirring example of how the faith of a seminary professor was refined and strengthened through the trials of war.


“J. Gresham Machen is a fascinating, complex, and controversial figure. . . . What is often forgotten is that he was also a member of the generation of young men whose lives were forever changed by their exposure to the horrors of trench warfare in the First World War. This volume contains the letters that the young Machen wrote home as he served as a YMCA volunteer in the war. As such, they both offer important firsthand accounts of the conflict and also give us insights into some of the darker experiences that shaped the mind of the future church leader.”

—Carl R. Trueman, Paul Woolley Professor of Church History, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia

“Doughboy accounts of their experiences in World War I are fairly common, but it is unusual to find the stories of those who offered assistance behind the trenches. Whether helping the wounded or working in the canteen, [J. Gresham Machen] ministered to the men as best he could. Machen’s compassion is truly amazing, and his letters home offer a wonderful glimpse of the service of one YMCA official.”

—David Snead, Chair, Department of History, Liberty University; Editor of George Browne: An American Soldier in World War I

“From these rare letters the reader can see a fresh side of the great scholar. On the battlefields of France, he was simply known as a compassionate soul who brought solace to scores of suffering soldiers. For those who only know Machen the polemicist, this volume will showcase Machen the caregiver.”

—William Edgar, Professor of Apologetics, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia


BOOK HIGHLIGHT—Introduction to Hebrew: A Guide for Learning and Using Biblical Hebrew

Introduction to Hebrew: A Guide for Learning and Using Biblical Hebrew by William Fullilove

$39.99 | 448 pages | SAMPLE CHAPTER


If you’re learning Hebrew, why not enjoy it?

Sadly, most students of biblical Hebrew quit their studies at the most crucial moment—the transition from language basics to biblical exegesis. But you can flourish early on and progress further if you learn from the outset to read and explain biblical texts effectively.

In this comprehensive introductory textbook, Professor William Fullilove covers the basics of biblical Hebrew morphology and syntax while developing skills in the beginner that are typically reserved for more advanced students. Hebrew study becomes rapidly rewarding as you start to

  • appreciate nuances of God’s Word that you would not be able to see in translation;
  • understand how to appropriately use the best tools and secondary resources to aid in exegesis; and
  • learn how to use your Hebrew knowledge to enrich your own understanding, research, and teaching.

Your studies are valuable. Stay engaged as you learn how to handle God’s Word with depth, confidence, and robust exegesis.

YouTube Video Course

Click here to watch online courses for all 28 chapters!


“This is the best teaching grammar of biblical Hebrew available today. It has no rival. . . . What sets this grammar apart is its exegetical focus, showing at every turn the relevance of the language for biblical interpretation. This is the ideal textbook for students in colleges and seminaries who are preparing for Christian ministry.”

Scott C. Jones, Professor of Biblical Studies, Covenant College

“Here’s the book I wish I had been given, and from which I wish I had been instructed, when I was a student of Hebrew.”

Timothy Keller, Founding Pastor, Redeemer Presbyterian Church

“Fullilove has found ways to make the language so accessible and yet filled with such accuracy that many who thought Hebrew was beyond their reach will find it readily and comfortably right at hand.”

Walter C. Kaiser Jr., President Emeritus, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

“An outstanding introduction to the language for beginning students. . . . deftly incorporating insights gleaned from the latest research.”

—Ed Cook, Chairman of the Department of Semitic and Egyptian Languages and Literatures, The Catholic University of America

More about The Author

William Fullilove (M.Div., Reformed Theological Seminary; Ph.D., The Catholic University of America) is Associate Professor of Old Testament at Reformed Theological Seminary in New York City, as well as an ordained pastor. He teaches Hebrew and Old Testament exegesis and has published on biblical and ancient languages and Old Testament and New Testament topics.