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NEW RELEASE — 40 Favorite Hymns on the Christian Life by Leland Ryken

40 Favorite Hymns on the Christian Life: A Closer Look at Their Spiritual and Poetic Meaning by Leland Ryken

160 pages | Hardcover | SAMPLE CHAPTER


We treasure hymns for their messages of comfort or conviction or for their associations with beloved believers and meaningful events. But many hymns are also powerful works of devotional poetry—displaying levels of artistry that we easily miss when we are simply singing through them.

This anthology of great hymns invites us to experience these works as poems—to slow down and savor their well-turned phrases, their surprising metaphors, and their evocative language. English professor Leland Ryken provides historical background and literary analysis for each hymn, finishing each with a Scripture reading to accompany it. The result is a wonderfully devotional and poetic study of the Christian life, drawing on hymns such as “Holy, Holy, Holy,” “Be Thou My Vision,” “In Christ Alone,” and many more.



“A foundation of powerful and beautiful hymns is essential in the development of a community of believers and the expression of God’s goodness through their lives. Thank you, Dr. Ryken, for this resource to the church.”

—Keith Getty, Award-Winning Hymnwriter, Musician

“The “lyric” of a song is a lyric poem. Sometimes the music draws all our attention, so that we skim over the words and what they mean. This is certainly true of hymns. Their lyrics are devotional poems of the highest order, and reading them closely can be a spiritual experience. Leland Ryken takes the texts of forty classic hymns and gives us just the help we need to understand their meaning and appreciate their greatness. In doing so, he helps Christians to realize why these time-honored hymns are such treasures.”

—Gene Edward Veith, Professor of Literature Emeritus, Patrick Henry College

“If you are seeking God’s will for your life and are faced with obstacles, if you are a student of poetry and desire fresh insights into literary devices, if you are a song writer like I am and you need some excellent worship texts, this short collection of hymn poems will strengthen your faith and your craft. I have read these poems and meditations for my daily devotions, and every day I found fresh insights from Watts, Cowper, or Francis Havergal. Though we usually sing these verses with fellow worshipers, they are rich food for contemplation.”

—James Ward, Recording Artist, Singer-Songwriter

“Have you ever thoughtlessly sung a hymn, carried along by the familiar tune and well-known words, but disengaged in your heart and mind? In this intriguing volume, Leland Ryken is about to rescue you from such mindless, if melodic, repetition. By analyzing the poetry of forty well-known and beloved hymns, the author offers insight into these compositions as verse, enabling readers to appreciate the form and style of each piece. He also highlights the theology of each poem and links it to Scripture, providing ample material for meditation and prayer as well as inspiration for robust and thoughtful singing!”

—Rhett P. Dodson, Senior Minister, Grace Presbyterian Church, Hudson, Ohio

“What a great idea for a book! Professor Ryken helps hymn lovers to slow down and savor the words of such classic hymns as “Holy, Holy, Holy,” “Amazing Grace,” and “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing.” While providing fascinating historical and authorial background, Ryken draws us into the special poetic language and metaphors that have made each hymn so beloved, memorable, and life-changing.”

—Louis Markos, Professor in English and Scholar in Residence, Houston Baptist University; Author, Literature: A Student’s Guide and On the Shoulders of Hobbits: The Road to Virtue with Tolkien and Lewis

“This fine little book will serve as a salutary antidote to the thinning content of much of what passes for worship music today. Contemporary Christian music is in desperate need of theological depth. Leland Ryken brings all of his poetic experience as a master teacher to bear on this critical subject. His poetic sensibilities have enabled him to make impeccable choices. I highly recommend this book as an aid to worship, an instruction in the value of poetry, and a vital voice in the contemporary conversation about worship music.”

—Gregory Reynolds, Editor, the Ordained Servant Journal; Pastor Emeritus; Author

“In his fascinating study of poetry as praise, Leland Ryken breathes life into the old hymns and, by doing so, reminds us how to sing to the Lord a new song.”

—Carolyn Weber, Award-winning Author; Professor, University of Western Ontario, and Heritage College and Seminary


About The Author

Leland Ryken, author of more than fifty books on biblical and literary topics, is the literary editor of the ESV Bible and emeritus professor of English at Wheaton College in Illinois.


Jim Orrick’s Introduction to Mere Calvinism

Here is Jim Orrick’s Introduction to his new book, Mere Calvinism.


Early in the 1990s, I was reading a book of literary criticism by C. S. Lewis when I came across an entire page on which Lewis discusses the influence of Calvinism in the sixteenth century. The sentence that caught my attention was this one: “Unless we can imagine the freshness, the audacity, and (soon) the fashionableness of Calvinism, we shall get our whole picture wrong.” I was amazed that there had been a time when Calvinism was fashionable. I had been a Calvinist for virtually all my life, and I assure you that in the late twentieth century it was not fashionable to be a Calvinist. I knew a few older men who were Calvinists, but virtually no young people. Yet Lewis observed that in the writings of the sixteenth century, “Youth is the taunt commonly brought against the puritan leaders by their opponents: youth and cocksureness.”1 When I first read Lewis’s words, I could barely have imagined that within twenty years I would see the time return when, in some circles, Calvinism would again become fashionable. Like before, many of the new Calvinists are young and cocksure. In many cases, however, their brash confidence is unfounded. Just because someone calls himself a Calvinist does not mean that he knows what Calvinism is.

For years I have preached in churches and taught in schools where many in my congregations and classrooms would have asserted that they were Calvinists. Or they might have said, “We are Reformed” or “We believe in the doctrines of grace.” In many of those same congregations and classrooms, I have preached and taught through the material found in this book, and here is what I have observed: most of those persons who call themselves Calvinists do not really know much about Calvinism, and most of them are conscious of their ignorance. I tell my students that they are not going to be tested over the lectures, but they furiously take notes as if they have never before heard what I am saying. They ask intelligent but basic questions that reveal that some of them are working through these ideas and these Scriptures for the first time. Perhaps most revealing are the comments that I often get afterward: “I have been in this church/college for years, and I have never understood these doctrines until now.” At the conclusion of the semester, I will sometimes poll my students, asking them, “If there has been a book, a lecture, or a discussion that has been especially helpful to you, I would like to hear about it.” Far and away the most common response has been “The lectures on the Five Points of Calvinism.”

When we first see the fundamental ideas of Calvinistic theology and recognize that the Bible is founded on the principle that God does as he pleases, we may rush to declare ourselves to be Calvinists, but we desperately hope that no one questions us carefully about what we believe. Worse, we get into arguments about the sovereignty of God, and we reveal our insecurity and immaturity by becoming angry with the people who disagree with us. I fear that we pastors and teachers are making a serious mistake when we assume that our people and students understand Calvinism just because they call themselves Calvinists.

I have attempted to write a simple, easy-to-understand explanation of the Five Points of Calvinism. I have tried to write a book that you might hand to a young Calvinist, or to someone who just wants to understand what Calvinism is, with the confidence that he or she will be able to understand the book. I have deliberately used a lot of illustrations that have helped me to understand these truths myself and explain them to others.

Several years ago, I announced to my classes that the following week I planned to lecture on the Five Points of Calvinism. Before the lectures, a student met me on campus, and with a concerned expression she asked, “Dr. Orrick, when you lecture on Calvinism, you are going to use the Bible, aren’t you?” She went on to explain her question, observing that most of the discussions she had heard about Calvinism were more philosophical than biblical. I assured her that I would indeed use the Bible as the basis for everything I said, and I assure you of the same. You might read this book and think that I am misinterpreting the Bible, but if you are fair-minded, you will have to admit that I am trying to recognize and interpret what the Bible says. At least, that has been my goal.


Dr. Tom Nettles read the manuscript of this book and made several excellent suggestions, which I incorporated. Thank you. Years ago you told me to stop calling you “Dr. Nettles” and to call you by your first name, so I have. But I want you to know that, on the inside, I still call you “Dr. Nettles.”

My wife Carol read the manuscript, and she too made valuable suggestions; and I incorporated nearly all of them. Thank you.

1. C. S. Lewis, English Literature in the Sixteenth Century Excluding Drama, The Oxford History of English Literature 3 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1954), 43.

Currently this book is only $10.99 from wtsbooks.com.

NEW RELEASE Today — God for Us by Abby Ross Hutto

God for Us: Discovering the Heart of the Father through the Life of the Son by Abby Ross Hutto

216 pages | List Price: $14.99 PCA Bookstore Special: $11.69 | SAMPLE CHAPTER


Is God really good?

Is he good to others?

Is he good to us?

And if the answer is yes, why does it often feel like he’s so far away?

God isn’t surprised by our wariness and distrust. But he has never been content to be misunderstood, either. John’s gospel tells us that God sent his Son to explain himself to us—to the distant, the wounded, the skeptical, the afflicted, the ashamed, the betrayed.

Walk with Abby as she follows Jesus through the book of John. In thirteen stories, we discover piece by piece, through Jesus, who God is—and we also see thirteen very different modern-day believers awake to these truths in their own lives. These personal and biblical stories, along with further Scripture and application and discussion questions, will show us that God is for us, not against us. He will draw our hearts back to himself.



“Theologically sound . . . emotionally compelling.”

—Scott Sauls 

“A beacon of hope for anyone who has ever wondered if God’s love is enough. . . . Hutto shows us that no sin, struggle, or fear is beyond the power of the gospel. She has created a resource that can uniquely and individually bless people from all walks and stages of life.”

—Sara Wallace, Author, For the Love of Discipline

“Abby’s genuine love for God’s beloved boy Jesus Christ imprints every page.”

—Karen Hodge, Coordinator of Women’s Ministries, Presbyterian Church in America

“A unique book that will comfort, challenge, and compel you. . . . I commend this book to all who need help understanding our God’s loving heart.”

—Ellen Dykas, Women’s Ministry Coordinator, Harvest USA


About the Author

Abby Ross Hutto is the director of spiritual formation at Story Presbyterian Church in Westerville, Ohio. She also works as a group leader and trainer for Parakaleo, a nonprofit that comes alongside women in ministry. You can connect with Abby at www.godforusministries.com.




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Author Interview with Abby Hutto

This week’s author interview is with Abby Hutto. She is author of God for Us: Discovering the Heart of the Father through the Life of the Son, which is launching TOMORROW! She is the director of spiritual formation at Story Presbyterian Church in Westerville, Ohio and also works as a group leader and trainer for Parakaleo, a nonprofit that comes alongside women in ministry.

  • Tell us a little bit about yourself: 

I spent my youth in South Carolina and Mississippi. My husband and I moved to Ohio almost 12 years ago, which is the longest I’ve lived in one place, so this feels very much like home now. Ken and I have been married for almost 16 years. We have two children: Hannah (14) and Harry (13), two dogs and an ancient cat. I am on staff at Story Presbyterian in Westerville, Ohio as the Director of Spiritual Formation. I am an extreme extrovert, a 7 on the Enneagram, so I love having fun and being with people. Right now, I spend most of my time taking kids to various sporting events. I love reading, but because I’m in the car so much these days, I’m hooked on Audible. I enjoy cooking and eating delicious food. I also love running and biking (so I can keep eating delicious food).  


  • Which writers inspire you?

I love Paul Miller because of his transparency. I want to share honestly about my doubts and struggles and the ways God has met me in these places. I hope to encourage others as much as Paul Miller has encouraged me.   


  • Do you have a specific spot where you enjoy writing most?

I love to write at my desk in my home office. It is in front of a large window that looks out into my front yard. There is a beautiful maple tree that changes colors with the seasons. When I’m under a deadline and don’t get out much, I can wave at my neighbors as they walk by and that helps me feel less like a shut in.


  • What book(s) are you reading now?

The House at Riverton by Kate Morton and The Incomparable Christ by John Stott.


  • Do you have a favorite author? Who is it and why?

I love P. D. James. She primarily wrote crime/mystery novels, but her Anglican background gave her a deep understanding of the beauty and brokenness of human beings. Her characters are so intriguing. My favorite non-fiction author is D.M. Lloyd-Jones. I could read his sermons all day. He had such a tender heart behind his great mind.


  • Do you have an interesting writing quirk?

I am a verbal processor, so I often need to hear myself talk things out as I’m writing. I have two writing companions, Grace (a golden lab/shepherd mix) and Peanut (a cocker spaniel) who now know a lot about the Gospel of John.


  • At what time of day do you write most?

I usually write while my children are in school and I try not to write at all when they are home (unless I’m behind for a deadline). I like to be present when my kids are home, and I’m terrible at multitasking!


  • How do you deal with writer’s block?

I usually go for a run but sometimes I call my friend. I’m a verbal processor and she understands my need to talk things out. She’s a good listener.


  • Favorite sport to watch? Favorite sport’s team?

I love SEC football, and my MSU Bulldogs especially.


  • Favorite animal? Why?

Polar Bears. I want to cuddle with them and run away from them at the same time.


  • The Lord of the Rings or The Chronicles of Narnia? Why?

I read Lord of the Rings first, so it has a special place in my heart. It was the first time I really paid attention to the spiritual realities behind a fictional story. I read the The Two Towers on a road trip with my family. I was so caught up in the end of the book that I refused to stop reading, even when it became apparent that I was becoming car sick. I threw up outside a restaurant as a result, but still didn’t regret it. However, I so adore Aslan (who doesn’t?!?) that I feel a little like I have just betrayed him.


  • If you have a favorite book of the Bible, what is it and why?

The Gospel of John, because Jesus used it to draw my wayward heart home.

How can readers discover more about you and your work?

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