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3 New Releases Today!

Today is launch day for:

Indispensable: The Basics of Christian Belief by David Cassidy

Work: Its Purpose, Dignity, and Transformation by Daniel M. Doriani

Our Ancient Foe: Satan’s History, Activity, and Ultimate Demise edited by Ronald L. Kohl

Indispensable: The Basics of Christian Belief by David Cassidy

$14.99 | 240 pages | SAMPLE CHAPTER

A God-Man, a Holy Spirit, a breathtaking sacrifice, an unbreakable bond, a daily fight, an unshakable hope . . . each is indispensable to our salvation and to the shape and purpose of our daily lives. Do we understand their true importance? Pastor David Cassidy’s engaging, conversational exploration of the essentials of the Christian faith brings clarity and hope amid the confusion and uncertainty of daily life.

“What a great resource! . . . Provide[s] clarity to individual readers, as well as creating a foundation for good discussion when studied in a group setting.” —Nancy Guthrie, Bible Teacher; Author, Seeing Jesus

“[Presents] the eternal verities of the Christian faith in a clear and conversational style, without theological jargon or any ifs, ands, or buts. Indispensable is just that—both indispensable and a treasure.” —Steve Brown, Author, How to Talk So People Will Listen; Founder, Key Life Network

Work: Its Purpose, Dignity, and Transformation by Daniel M. Doriani

$15.99 | 248 pages | SAMPLE CHAPTER

Providing historical background and inspiring stories of God-honoring workers, Daniel Doriani explains the Bible’s teaching on the nature, glory, misery, and eventual restoration of work. You will learn what it means to be faithful at work, even in risky places, and what steps you can take to transform your workplace and the world. Work matters. And because it matters, it’s worth reforming. God knows the good you do when you work faithfully, even if you don’t see it yourself. 

“The last few years have witnessed a flurry of books that treat a Christian view of work. This is the best of them. Well written, historically comprehensive, theologically informed, exegetically sensitive, this is now the ‘must read’ volume on the subject.” —D. A. Carson, Research Professor of New Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

“An important contribution. . . . Provocative and helpful.” —Timothy Keller

Our Ancient Foe: Satan’s History, Activity, and Ultimate Demise edited by Ronald L. Kohl

$15.99 | 168 pages | SAMPLE CHAPTER

Christians are at war with an enemy who delights in rendering believers powerless, ruining their testimonies, and destroying their lives. But are we taking Satan seriously? Are we on guard against his agenda? Here respected pastor-scholars shine the light of Scripture on our ancient foe and how he operates, equipping you to “resist the devil” in the power of Christ. 

Contributors and Chapters:

R. Kent Hughes — Satan in the Garden

Thomas J. Nettles — Knowing Satan

Ronald L. Kohl — Malevolent Methodology

Derek W. H. Thomas — The World, the Flesh, and the Devil

Roger Nicole — Conflict with Evil

R. Kent Hughes — Deliverance from the Evil One

Joel R. Beeke — Persevering in Satan’s Sieve

Thomas J. Nettles — The Final Demise

Sinclair Ferguson — All Things New


Author Interview with David Cassidy

This week’s author interview is with David Cassidy. He is the author of upcoming release, Indispensable: The Basics of Christian Belief.

  • Which writers inspire you?

That’s a parade of authors. From a literary standpoint, I’d say Dante and Shakespeare, quickly followed by Herbert, Donne, Dostoyevsky, TS Eliot, CS Lewis, Wendell Berry, Marilynne Robinson, and Robert Frost. In regard to distinctly Christian or Biblical matters, Leiva-Merikakis, Augustine, Herman Bavinck, John Stott, Tim Keller, NT Wright, Met. Kallistos (Ware), Arthur Wallis, Flemming Rutledge, and John Murray. Touching on the philosophical and historical, I’d go with Paul Johnson, Charles Taylor, and Francis Schaeffer. Cookbooks would be too many to name. I have a LOT of cookbooks!


  • What book are you reading now?

At the moment, I’m reading Diarmaid MacCulloch’s new biography of Thomas Cromwell, as well as a stack of books on the Holy Spirit in preparation for some writing I’m planning. And, as always, some works of poetry, right now by the late, great Mary Oliver. Did I mention cookbooks?


  • Do you have a favorite quote? What is it and why?

I tend to curate quotes and it would be hard to pick a favorite. I’d be better at picking favorites on various topics. On the Spirit, I love John Murray’s, “The fact that Pentecost cannot be repeated does not mean it’s been rescinded.” For a general life quote, I’ll go with George Bernard Shaw’s, ‘The reasonable man conforms himself to the world. The unreasonable man conforms the world to himself. Therefore all hope of progress rests with unreasonable people.” Neither are in the new book, which means I need to write some more!


  • What is your favorite food?

On cooking, I’m a Julia Child disciple. Her wisdom transcends the kitchen.

  • “You’ll never know everything about anything, especially something you love.”
  • “The only time to eat diet food is while you’re waiting for the steak to cook.”
  • “How can a nation be called great if its bread tastes like kleenex?”


  • When did you first want to write a book?

I think I’ve just always wanted to READ books. Other people have said to me, ‘Write books!’ I find it daunting because a book feels so final in one way and I know there’s so much more to learn and whatever I have to say could be said so much more effectively by someone else. I knew I had to write books early on in ministry but never wanted to do so until the last few years. I hope I get to write many more, so long as they’re actually helpful.


  • Do you have a favorite author?

That would have to be John Stott and the reasons are as many in number as the books he penned. I’d summarize those by saying his work is consistent and careful, pastoral and practical, doctrinal and devotional, informative and inspiring. He wrote as a Pastor of a great church but also as a man deeply committed to evangelism, global missions, and the place of the Christian in society. He wrote with strong principles but held these in evident humility. Whenever I read his work – and I’ve read ‘Cross of Christ’ every year since its publication in 1986 – I come away with a deeper conviction of my need for Jesus Christ and his Gospel, together with a wider heart for the Church and love for people. John Stott keeps making a better human, Christian, and Pastor-Preacher out of me. I am so thankful he wrote and spoke with such passion and precision.


  • Favorite sport to watch?

Easy – the Chicago Cubs. I’m a baseball fan first, but love just about all sports, especially College Football, my Texas Longhorns leading the way on that front.


  • Favorite animal?

I love to watch horses and eagles – there is a majesty and poetic beauty to their movement that’s enchanting. Domestically, however, that would be my Golden Retriever, Max. What a wonderful companion.


  • What famous person (living or dead) would you like to meet and why?

Two, both passed on: a) Paul (obviously), because I could corner him on Romans; b) Churchill, at dinner, including Brandy and Cigars to follow. I’m cooking and he’s talking… epic evening for sure.


  • Favorite flavor of ice cream?

Tough Call: Blue Bell Cookies and Cream


How can readers discover more about you and your work?


Author Interview with Dan Doriani

This week’s author interview is with Dan Doriani. He is the author of the upcoming book, Work: Its Purpose, Dignity, and Transformation (releasing 4/1).

His other books include The Sermon on the Mount, Getting the Message, and Putting the Truth to Work, as well as the following books in the Reformed Expository Commentary series: 1 Peter, James, and Matthew (2-Volume Set).

  • What book are you reading now?

A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles


  • Which writers inspire you?

Novelists who master language and character to address the great issues beautifully.


  • Do you have a specific spot where you enjoy writing most?

A quiet, sun-lit room.


  • Do you have a favorite author?



  • Favorite food?

Summer fruit salad


  • Favorite flavor of ice cream?



  • Favorite animal?

Gila Monster


BOOK HIGHLIGHT — The Imitation of Christ in the Gospel of Luke by C.D. “Jimmy” Agan III

The Imitation of Christ in the Gospel of Luke: Growing in Christlike Love for God and Neighbor by C.D. “Jimmy” Agan III

264 pages | Price: $17.99 $13.50 | SAMPLE CHAPTER


Christians instinctively desire to be like Jesus. Yet evangelical and Reformed thinkers have done little to wed this desire to sound theology and responsible biblical interpretation. With careful attention to Luke’s gospel, this book demonstrates that we can—and must—follow Christ’s example precisely because we embrace him as Savior.



“Jimmy Agan makes a convincing case for deep reflection on Jesus’ example, leading to sustained effort to be like him. Agan flags the dangers of the imitation-of-Christ project. But he maps us past the risks, with Scripture as GPS and conformity to Christ as destination. Engrossing and stirring, this is the finest succinct statement on the subject in recent times.”

Robert W. Yarbrough, Professor of New Testament, Covenant Theological Seminary

“Agan clearly shows us in what ways Jesus is unique as the Divine Son—and thus is not a pattern for us to imitate. And the author tells us in what ways Jesus is fully human—and thus is our perfect example of human life as God meant it to be. Agan’s pastoral wisdom, sympathy for the struggles we face as Christians, and conversational writing style bring the fruit of his scholarship on Luke to a level that any serious Christian can understand.”

Donald Fairbairn, Robert E. Cooley Professor of Early Christianity, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

“Imitation of Christ—a topic that is of profound importance, but has nonetheless been besieged by theological questions among well-intentioned scholars—is here presented in a way that is both deeply rooted in the pages of the New Testament and yet also eminently accessible to the contemporary reader. This is the work of a scholar who is also a convinced and gifted communicator.”

Andrew Clarke, Senior Lecturer, Divinity and Religious Studies, King’s College, University of Aberdeen


About The Author

C.D. “Jimmy” Agan III (MDiv, Covenant Theological Seminary; PhD, University of Aberdeen) is Senior Pastor of Intown Community Church in Atlanta. Previously he was Associate Professor of New Testament and Director of the Homiletics Program at Covenant Theological Seminary.