
Learning God’s Story of Grace

Promo ContentIn this meaningful, inviting, and encouraging study, Elizabeth Turnage lays out God’s grand story and helps you see where your own story fits. Engaging questions allow you to apply not only the study, but the entire story itself, to your own life. Unique sections help you to engage Scripture and live out the gospel in your own story.

The Bible exhorts us to know and tell our stories and how they fit into God’s grand narrative, for only then will we find meaning. This engaging, welcoming guide is where it all starts.

Elizabeth draws me to understand God’s story, my story, and Scripture like few others.” —Shari Thomas, Founding Director, Parakaleo

Promo ContentElizabeth Reynolds Turnage is the founder of Living Story LLC and Redeemed Hearts Ministry and shares her deep passion for God’s story of grace through conferences, curriculum-writing, and coaching.

Available: Beginning of June ISBN-13: 978-1-59638-243-5 List Price: $12.99 Sample Chapters Author’s Website & Blog

Living Word Bible Studies—Isaiah

Promo ContentIsaiah contains some of the most beautiful poetry in the Bible and is a theological masterpiece, presenting God’s redemptive plan. This study guide gives you both depth and a clear overview, as Kathleen encourages and enables you to read the book with growing understanding and joy.

Isaiah marks the 8th title in the Living Word Bible Study series. Later this year (August), P&R will be publishing the 9th title in the set—Nehemiah.

“Are you tired of fill-in-the-blank Bible studies? Dr. Nielson drives you closer to the heart of God and His Word through her thoughtful studies. If you don’t want to read a lecture in the form of a commentary, but want to relish the sweeping expanse of Scripture within a book through private inquiry, here is your source.” —Diane Poythress

Promo Content Kathleen Nielson (Ph.D. in Literature, Vanderbilt University) has served as an English Professor, conference speaker and author. She and her husband, Dr. Niel Nielson, President of Covenant College, have three sons.

Available: Beginning of June ISBN-13: 978-1-59638-250-3 List Price: $12.99 Sample Chapters Kathleen Nielson at WTS Books Author Website/Blog

Hudson Taylor, Gospel Pioneer to China

Promo ContentHudson Taylor founded the China Inland Mission and was the most influential missionary of the modern missionary movement. This biography chronicles his conversion, mission philosophy, cultural engagement, and five decades of service.

“Vance Christie has written an excellent biography of one of the greatest missionaries of all time. His lively style captures the drama, the danger, and the dedication of this “little” man whose faith in God enabled him to accomplish so much. Readers of all ages will be enthralled by the story of God’s remarkable work in and through Hudson Taylor and the China Inland Mission, which Chinese Christians today gladly acknowledge as essential to the growth of perhaps the largest church on earth.”

G. Wright Doyle, Director, China Institute and Global China Center

About the Author: Vance Christie has written a number of popular biographies, is the Pastor of Aurora Evangelical Free Church in Aurora, Nebraska, and is a member of the EFCA Ministerial Association.

Purchase Hudson Taylor:

WTS Books

Christian Book Distributors

COMING SOON: “Taken” by Brock Eastman

Promo ContentP&R is excited to announce the beginning of a new fantasy adventure series written by Brock D. Eastman—A Focus on the Family recommended book. Focus on the Family Recommended

Taken, the first book of five in the Quest for Truth series, will be released this upcoming July!

Don’t even touch this book unless you plan to read it at once. Exploding with mystery and high-stakes adventure, this book is masterfully crafted to awaken even the most stubborn of imaginations.” —Christopher Miller, Co-author of the multi award-winning CodeBearers series

Brock D. Eastman works for Focus on the Family where he manages the world renowned Adventures in Odyssey brand.


Five participants will be selected at random to receive a free copy of “Taken” upon its publication in July. Winners will be contacted on Twitter for further details and instructions on Monday May 23.

1 Kings: Reformed Expository Commentary

The newest addition to the Reformed Expository Commentary series has arrived! 1 Kings marks the sixteenth volume in the set and is the fifth volume to cover a New Testament text.

“Sadly for many North American Christians, the Old Testament is a dead book, often treated merely as a foil against which to interpret the New Testament. Phil Ryken’s work goes much, much farther. This volume is a model of exposition, combining thorough and responsible exegesis with a passion to communicate the life-giving power of Old Testament Scriptures for the church.

Daniel I. Block, Gunther H. Knoedler Professor of Old Testament, Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois


Westminster Bookstore is currently holding a special on 1 Kings and the rest of the great titles from the Reformed Expository Commentary series: WTS BOOKS