
From Atlanta, With Humidity! ICRS 2011

Welcome to Atlanta!

…where it’s plenty hot (as you can see by the children taking advantage of the fountains in the park) & plenty busy!

Monday morning, the floors opened, and kicked off ICRS 2011 in Atlanta, Georgia.

We are very enthusiastic about the turnout for this year’s event. We’ve been busy all day and got to meet and sit down with many retailers, distributors, and authors!



But tomorrow, things pick up at the booth! We will be having three author signings: Booth #603:

10 am: Susan Olasky signs her book “Annie Henry and the Secret Mission

1 pm: Kathleen Nielson signs her book “Bible Study

3 pm: Brock Eastman signs his book “Taken

Here’s a few images from the booth today!

Taken is Here! Win A Signed Copy!

For a chance to win a signed copy of Taken, comment on this blog and show us you’re excited for Brock’s new book! Retweet our post on Twitter & be sure to fill out all requested information when commenting! Contest ends Thursday, July 7


Promo ContentBrock EastmanBrock Eastman is Product Marketing Manager at Focus on the Family, where he has the privilege to work on the world-renowned Adventures in Odyssey brand. He and his wife and two daughters live in Colorado.

Visit Brock’s website for more exciting information about Taken! www.brockeastman.com

Click here to see an article in Family Fiction magazine (page 56) about Brock Eastman and Taken: FamilyFiction

Focus on the Family Recommended


Youth/Fiction     978-1-59638-245-9     320 Pages    List Price: $12.99


International Christian Retail Show 2011

P&R Publishing at ICRS— BOOTH #603!!


BOOK READERS—We’re offering huge discounts to our store accounts so that you can buy our books extra cheap! Be on the lookout for special pricing throughout the month of July!


Susan Olasky

Tuesday July 12—10:00 to 11:30 AM

Author Book Signing by Susan Olasky

To promote the Adventures in the American Revolution Series

Giveaway: Annie Henry and the Secret Mission (book 1)



Kathleen Nielson

Tuesday July 12—1:00 to 2:30 PM

Author Book Signing by Kathleen Nielson

To promote the Living Word Bible Studies series

Giveaway: Bible Study, Following the Ways of the Word



Brock Eastman

Tuesday July 12—3:00 to 4:30 PM

Author Book Signing by Brock Eastman

To promote the launch of The Quest for Truth series

Giveaway: Taken (book 1)


Featured New Releases

WORLD Magazine Book of the Year!


WORLD Magazine announced its annual “Book of the Year” award for 2011. This year P&R Publishing’s Should Christian’s Embrace Evolution? was one of two books selected for this honorary award.

Previous book awards include:
2008: The Reason for God by Tim Keller 2009: The ESV Study Bible 2010: The Battle by Arthur Brooks

To see the featured article from the latest edition of WORLD Magazine: Click Here

Should Christians Embrace Evolution? is now available in most stores wherever Christian books are sold.

Continue on our BLOG for more information on this book Should Christians Embrace Evolution?

Should Christians Embrace Evolution?

World Magazine Book of the Year 2011, Should Christians Embrace Evolution? by Norman C. Nevin 9781596382305

Promo Content

We are witnessing an aggressive attack on the credibility of the Christian faith. Christians are increasingly called to embrace Darwinian evolution—or acknowledge that they are altogether opposed to science.

But for the contributors to this volume, this is a false premise. Committed to the authority of Scripture, the need for careful exegesis, and the importance of rigorous scientific investigation, these thirteen scientists and theologians offer valuable perspectives on a controversial area of debate for concerned Christians who are determined to draw their own conclusions.

This is a most helpful compilation, which is designed to make one think very seriously about the whole issue of evolution and the Bible. To those who love the Scriptures, and seek to be faithful to them, this will prove enormously helpful.” —Rt. Rev. Wallace Benn

Table of Contents Foreword—Wayne Grudem Preface: A twenty-first-century challenge—Phil Hills 1. Evolution and the Church—Alistair Donald 2. The language of Genesis—Alistair McKitterick 3. Adam and Eve—Michael Reeves 4. The fall and death—Greg Haslam 5. Creation, redemption and eschatology—David Anderson 6. The nature and character of God—Andrew Sibley 7. Faith and creation—R. T. Kendall 8. Towards a science worthy of creatures in imago Dei—Steve Fuller 9. Interpretation of scientific evidence A. Homology—Norman Nevin B. The nature of the fossil record—Norman Nevin C. Chromosomal fusion and common ancestry—Geoff Barnard D. Information and thermodynamics—Andy McIntosh 10. Does the genome provide evidence for common ancestry?—Geoff Barnard 11. The origin of life: scientists play dice—John Walton Conclusion: Should Christians embrace evolution?—Phil Hills and Norman Nevin

Available: Now in stores! ISBN-13: 978-1-59638-230-5 List Price: $14.99 Sample Chapters