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Author Interview with Elizabeth Garn

This week’s author interview is with Elizabeth Garn. She is the author of the upcoming book, Freedom to Flourish: The Rest God Offers in the Purpose He Gives You (releasing April 7th).

  • Tell us a little bit about yourself.

I’m a northern Virginia native; born and raised in the suburbs of D.C. My husband and I have been married for eighteen years and while we left the area to attend seminary, we’ve been back for a while and live here with our three very awesome kids. I’m privileged to be a full-time mom and writer/speaker on the side. For about a year that looked like me working while they were all in school, this past year, however, it’s meant I was able to oversee their distance learning. It’ll be interesting to see what this next year holds! As far as hobbies go, I’m a huge nerd. If it’s fantasy or sci-fi related, gaming (board, tabletop, or computer), or has anything to do with Marvel, I probably like it!

  • When did you first want to write a book?

This might sound cheesy, but I don’t remember a time in my life when I didn’t want to write; short stories, poetry, novels, non-fiction . . . I love it all. Really, I just love words; I love how beautiful they can be when strung together well and how powerful they can be at communicating important truths. There is almost always some sort of story or teachable material running through my head or filling files on my computer.

  • What inspired you to write this book, about this topic?

I grew up in the church and, while I was surrounded by amazing teachers and mentors, I absorbed a lot of wrong ideas about my worth as a woman. I came to believe at an early age that the heart of my purpose was to be a wife and mother and to work hard to serve God. And while those are wonderful things, the result in my heart was a near constant sense of failure. I simply could not do all the things “good Christian women” were supposed to do. It was when I was in seminary that I really started to understand God’s plan for us as his images on the earth and what that looked like; the freedom, the dignity, the value, etc. It was such an important message in my own life that I longed to share it with other women who were struggling with the same things I had been. I feel incredibly honored that the Lord would allow me this opportunity to do just that. 

  • Do you have a specific spot where you enjoy writing most?

One of my favorite places to write pre-COVID was my local library. There was one particular table in a cozy spot that was near enough people to feel like I was getting out of the house but quiet enough that I could get a lot of work done. When I can’t get there (for example, this whole last year) I am most often wrapped up in a blanket, curled up on my couch with my laptop.

  • Other than the Bible, do you have a favorite book?

I feel like I should, but I just . . . don’t! I love reading so much that most of the time, whatever I’m reading at the moment is one of my favorites!

  • How can readers discover more about you and your work?

PRE-ORDER Freedom to Flourish: The Rest God Offers in the Purpose He Gives You

WTS Books: $8.99

CVBBS: $10.49

PCA Bookstore: $11.69

Christianbook: $11.99

Amazon: $14.99

Click HERE to read a sample of Elizabeth’s book.

BOOK HIGHLIGHT — Him We Proclaim: Preaching Christ from All the Scriptures by Dennis E. Johnson

Him We Proclaim: Preaching Christ from All the Scriptures by Dennis E. Johnson

512 pages | P&R Direct Cost: $24.99 $18.50 | SAMPLE CHAPTER | Mobi: $9.99 | iTunes: $9.99


Challenging modern preachers to expound the Bible like Peter and Paul, Him We Proclaim makes the hermeneutical and historical case for a return to apostolic preaching—preaching that is Christ-centered, redemptive-historical, missiologically communicated, and grounded in grace. But moving beyond theory, this book provides examples of how this method applies to all Old and New Testament genres—history; law; psalm; prophecy; doctrine and exhortation.


“This book holds the promise of the recovery of biblical preaching for those who will give themselves to the demanding and glorious task of setting each text within the context of God’s redemptive plan. This is a book that belongs on every preacher’s bookshelf.” —R. Albert Mohler Jr.

“Apostolic hermeneutics? Dare we read the Scripture backward as well as forward? Dennis Johnson’s answer is a marvelously informed, and convincing ‘yes!’ Him We Proclaim is sure to be widely read and discussed both in the academy and by groups of serious-minded preachers of the Word.” —R. Kent Hughes

“If only we could learn to preach like Peter and Paul. The wish becomes solid reality in Dennis Johnson’s wonderful advocacy of preaching Jesus Christ in the 21st century as the apostles did in the first. Under Johnson’s tutelage preaching apostolic, Christ-centered, redemptive-historical, missiological sermons that are grace driven becomes a dream within reach.” —Bryan Chapell

About the Author

Dennis E. Johnson (ThM, Westminster Theological Seminary; PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary) taught New Testament and practical theology at Westminster Seminary California for more than thirty-five years. He is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church in America, the author of many books including Him We Proclaim and Walking with Jesus through His Word and of commentaries on Acts, Philippians, Hebrews, and Revelation (Triumph of the Lamb), and a contributor to several study Bibles and other books. He and his wife, Jane, live in Dayton, Tennessee. 

Author Interview with Ellen Dykas

This week’s author interview is with Ellen Mary Dykas. She is the author of the upcoming book in our 31-Day Devotionals for Life series, Toxic Relationships: Taking Refuge in Christ (releasing April 7th).

  • Tell us a little bit about yourself.

I’m from the Midwest and grew up in St. Louis, MO and still feel like I’m going home when I visit there from Philadelphia! I have, however, really enjoyed living on the east coast, and especially the spiritual community I’ve become woven into here. When I’m not involved in discipleship, teaching the Bible and writing, I love taking long walks, having coffee dates with friends or simply having an introvert-replenishment weekend!

  • When did you first want to write a book?

I’ve been journaling since I was a teen and am currently on my 82nd spiral bound notebook! I’d guess it was in high school that I first started dreaming of what my future my be, and the idea of writing seemed far off, but here I am!

  • Which writers inspire you?

The kind of writing that inspires me the most is that which can take spiritual truths and apply it to my heart in such a way that it really is nourishing. In that regard, the writers who have inspired me the most are Amy Carmichael, Helen Roseveare, Elizabeth Elliot, Richard Sibbes, David Powlison, and more recently, Dane Ortland.

  • Have you always enjoyed writing?

A friend recently described herself not so much as a writer but a teacher who is an author. I liked that! I’d say that I’ve always enjoyed teaching and encouraging others and my writing is a way to express those ministry passions.

  • What inspired you to write this book, about this topic?

As readers of Toxic Relationships will learn, I’ve had my share of toxic or sin-polluted relationships. The specific focus in my devotional is how Christ rescues and transforms us when relationships become idolatrous, or codependent. Not only has this been a pattern in my relational past, but in the lives of many women who have come to me for help through my ministry at Harvest USA. This is one of those “fire in my bones” topics that I’m passionate about sharing with others because I know how painful it is to be stuck in unhealthy dependencies that are destructive. I’m eager to help others move towards the glorious freedom and safe refuge which is ours in Christ. He alone can transform us to love others rather than craving that they make us feel OK about ourselves.

  • How can readers discover more about you and your work?

Website: www.harvestusa.org

Blog: https://harvestusa.org/blog/

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ellen.mary.1232


WTS Books: $6.00

PCA Bookstore: $7.79

Christianbook: $8.49

Amazon: $9.99

Click HERE to read a sample of Ellen’s book.

Now Available — Money, Debt, and Finances by Jim Newheiser

Today is the official release of Money, Debt, and Finances: Critical Questions and Answers by Jim Newheiser.

360 pages | P&R Direct Price: $19.99  $14.99 | SAMPLE CHAPTER | Mobi: $9.99 | ePub: $9.99


In an accessible Q&A format, biblical counselor and former financial consultant Jim Newheiser presents financial wisdom that is grounded in faithful biblical exegesis and rooted in sound theology. How can you create and balance a budget? How can you get out of debt? What insurance do you need? He answers these questions and more, providing a go-to resource for laypeople and those who counsel them.


“Carefully distinguishes between what the Bible says to all people in all times and what it says to a certain people at a certain time. For that reason and many more, I am glad to recommend it.”—Tim Challies 

“Jim has devoted a lifetime to collecting information on these topics, not only from Scripture but from his experience as a pastor, a businessman, and a biblical counselor. I heartily recommend this book.”—Howard Dayton 

“An amazing book combining biblical principles and very practical advice. It will answer all your questions about money and God’s perspective.”—Martha Peace 

“Packed full of very practical counsel, using God’s Word as the standard and guide for some of the most important and difficult financial decisions that you will face in life.” —John D. Street 

“The book helped me, it will help my adult children, and it prepared me for important conversations with friends.”—Edward T. Welch 

“A wonderful blend of solid biblical principles and practical application to the way we handle the money that God has entrusted to us. . . . Readers will learn solid truths that will guide their use of money.” —Steve Viars

Click HERE to buy your copy for 40% off (only $11.99) from WTSbooks.com

Author Interview with Jim Newheiser

This week’s author interview is with Jim Newheiser. He is the author of our upcoming release, Money, Debt, and Finances: Critical Questions and Answers. He also wrote Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage: Critical Questions and Answers, Money: Seeking God’s Wisdom, and Parenting Is More Than a Formula, and cowrote along with Elyse Fitzpatrick, You Never Stop Being a Parent.

  • Tell us a little bit about yourself.

While I consider myself a Texan and had, as a young man, committed to serve the Lord anywhere so long as it was in Texas, we haven’t been residents there since 1981. We spent from 1981-1987 in Saudi Arabia where I had the privilege of serving as a tent-making pastor in an underground international church. Then we lived in Escondido, California from 1987 until 2016 where I completed my seminary education, helped to plant a Reformed Baptist church, and got involved with IBCD (The Institute for Biblical Counseling and Discipleship). Though we were very happy with our lives there, we became convinced that we could best serve the Lord in this later chapter of life (Psalm 90:12) by moving to Charlotte, North Carolina, where I am on faculty at Reformed Theological Seminary as the Director of their counseling program.

My dear wife Caroline and I were “just friends” in High School (in spite of my efforts to make it more than that) but then became serious about one another while we were at Baylor University. She has been an amazing helper for many years as a pastor’s wife then as a co-laborer in biblical counseling. Since moving to Charlotte, she has completed her seminary degree and is now working with female counseling students at RTS. Caroline also has a book coming out this year! 

In terms of personal interests/hobbies, before moving to Charlotte I was running marathons every couple of months. In more recent years I have been walking similar distances with Caroline in Disneyworld (primarily her hobby).

  • When did you first want to write a book? 

Most of my books have flowed out of my pastoral/counseling ministry as I encountered real life situations for which I could not find existing biblically based resources. As I worked through these problems with my counselees by studying and applying the Scriptures, I then was motivated to make what I had learned available to others. For example, we encountered many parents who had various struggles with their adult kids, but we couldn’t find a book which we could recommend, so we wrote You Never Stop Being a Parent.

  • Have you always enjoyed writing?

I find writing to be very very hard work. I do enjoy seeing the finished product and getting the message out. I have been blessed and humbled to work with skilled writers and editors from whom I continue to learn as they tear apart my writing so that the content of my message can be presented more effectively.

I was excited about combining my financial background from college and my early career with my training and experience as a pastor and biblical counselor. While there are many books which offer practical financial advice, my goal was to offer biblical wisdom grounded in careful exposition and sound theology. I believe that the question and answer format will help to make the book more readable and the answers more accessible.

  • Do you have a favorite quote?

Is it wrong to quote yourself? Several years ago, while teaching an introduction to counseling class I told the students that a key to being an effective biblical counselor is to have a “thick Bible” – meaning that you not only know what the Bible says in general, but that you can actually find the verses. Also, it is not enough to merely rattle off verses as proof texts, but you must be able to explain them accurately in their context. So, my quote is, “How thick is your Bible?” One only gets a thick Bible by carefully reading and studying Scripture. We have built this principle into our counseling degree program at RTS as our students take more classes in Bible and theology than in counseling. In the long run, the best way to thicken your Bible is to preach or teach through books of the Bible over an extended period of time. 

  • How do you deal with writer’s block? 

I read in a biography of Winston Churchhill that he had a routine of writing 2000 words a day and laying 200 bricks. When in writing mode I would often set a goal of writing a certain number of words a day and when I would get stuck I would get some exercise – often a run on the beach. 

  • Is there anything you would like to add that you have not been asked about?

I have had the privilege of meeting Ronald Reagan (from whom I got an autograph) and Margaret Thatcher (with whom I was photographed). I can’t think of (m)any other politicians during my lifetime whom I would have wanted to meet.

  • Favorite sport to watch?

English Soccer: Liverpool – not having a very good year due to injuries.

  • Favorite flavor of ice cream? 

Anything Bluebell.

  • Favorite animal? 

Cows and chickens because they taste so good.

  • Tea or coffee? 

Flavored iced teas. I never learned to drink coffee.

Preorder Money, Debt, and Finances

WTS Books: $10.00

Reformation Heritage: $12.00

CVBBS: $13.99

PCA Bookstore: $15.59

Christianbook: $15.99

Amazon: $19.99