


Seven is a prominent number in the Bible. It is mentioned at the beginning, during the creation account in Genesis, when God rested on the seventh day. Seven is also referenced multiple times at the end, in the book of Revelation (regarding churches, angels, bowls, seals, and so on). Thus, from Genesis to Revelation, and …

Author Interview with Guy Richard

This week’s author interview is with Guy M. Richard. He is the author of Persistent Prayer in the Blessings of the Faith series as well as What Is Faith? in the Basics of the Faith series. Tell us a little bit about yourself. I grew up all around New Orleans, Louisiana. I moved away to …

Author Interview with Stephanie Hubach

This week’s author interview is with Stephanie Hubach. She is the author of Parenting & Disabilities: Abiding in God’s Presence (31-Day Devotionals for Life series) and Same Lake, Different Boat: Coming Alongside People Touched by Disability. Tell us a little bit about yourself: where you’re from, family, job, personal interests, unique hobbies, what you do …

The Whole Counsel of God, Volume 3 — NOW AVAILABLE

The Whole Counsel of God, Volume 3: God’s People in the Western Worldby Richard C. Gamble 1,232 pages | Hardcover | $59.99 $35.99 (40% OFF for 1 week) | SAMPLE CHAPTER About Richard Gamble’s three-volume Whole Counsel of God explores the relationships between exegesis and hermeneutics, and between biblical, systematic, and historical theology. “He bridges the …