

Author Interview with Esther Smith

This week’s author interview is with Esther Smith. She is the author of our brand new release: A Still and Quiet Mind: Twelve Strategies for Changing Unwanted Thoughts as well as Chronic Illness: Walking by Faith (31-Day Devotionals for Life). Tell us a little bit about yourself. I am originally from a small town called …

Author Interview with Ryan Kelly

This week’s author interview is with Ryan Kelly. He is the author of our brand new release: Calls to Worship, Invocations, and Benedictions. Tell us a little bit about yourself. I’ve lived in a number of states and usually outside of major cities: I spent my childhood near Chicago, my teens near Houston, two years …

The Heart of the Cross — NOW AVAILABLE

The Heart of the Cross by James Montgomery Boice & Philip Graham Ryken 176 pages | Hardcover | Price: $17.99 $10.79 | SAMPLE CHAPTER About In twenty-one meditative readings, pastor-theologians James Montgomery Boice and Philip Graham Ryken meet the troubled, skeptical, and restless. And, with insights both simple and profound, they draw us to the …

‘HOW GOD CHOOSES’ by James Montgomery Boice

How God Chooses “Man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.”1 Samuel 16:7 In the first mention of David in the Old Testament, he appears not as a hero but as a youth who was for the most part overlooked by his family. This, of course, is a main point of …