

American Reformed Biographies series

The American Reformed Biographies, coedited by D. G. Hart and Sean Michael Lucas, seeks to nurture the general interest in biographies as a way of learning about and from the past. The titles in this series feature American Reformed leaders who were important representatives or interpreters of Reformed Christianity in the United States and who …

NEW – Prodigal Press: Confronting the Anti-Christian Bias of the American News Media

Prodigal Press (Revised and Updated) Confronting the Anti-Christian Bias of the American News Media, Revised and Updated by Marvin Olasky and Warren Cole Smith Despite claiming to be neutral, print and TV journalists increasingly report news from an anti-Christian standpoint. Remarkably, however, leading nineteenth-century newspapers reported news from a Christian perspective. This book reveals how …

Basics of the Faith series

Since there are so many booklets in this series (36 and counting!), I have not included much information about each title in order to keep the post a manageable length. Instead, if you are interested in finding out about a specific booklet, click on the title and you will be taken to our website where …