

Pastors’ Conference: The Faithful Shepherd

Pastors, Elders, & Ministry Leaders: Please consider joining P&R Publishing & The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals at Harvey Cedars Bible Conference for their 2014 Pastors’ Conference: The Faithful Shepherd: Persevering in Your Church and Ministry. Register before January 1, 2014 and receive a $10 voucher at the Conference to spend in the Conference bookstore! To learn more about …

Light for Your Path series – by Carol Ruvolo

The Light For Your Path, written by Carol J. Ruvolo, is a refreshing, illuminating Bible study series for women eager to know God better and love Him more. The series features: Careful handling of Scripture Emphasis on application A blend of topical and biblical studies Solid Reformed teaching Exercises for both young believers and women ready to dig …

Reformed Forum Podcasts with P&R Authors

Both Aimee Byrd (Housewife Theologian) and Barbara Duguid (Extravagant Grace) have been interviewed on Reformed Forum with panel Camden Bucey, Nancy Guthrie, and Melissa Kruger. To listen to Aimee Byrd talking about her new book, Housewife Theologian, click the following link: http://reformedforum.org/podcasts/ctc297/ To listen to Barbara Duguid speaking about her new book, Extravagant Grace, click the …

Recap of August and September Released Titles

Here at P&R Publishing we release an average of 3 to 4 new titles per month. I thought it would be beneficial to recap the new titles that were released in August and September, since there were 15 new titles released in those 2 months. To learn more about a specific title, click on the …