This week’s author interview is with Bryan Gregory. He is the author of Longing for God in an Age of Discouragement: The Gospel According to Zechariah and Inconspicuous Providence: The Gospel According to Esther. Both of these books are part of the Gospel According to the Old Testament series.

Gregory, Bryan


  • Question #1 – Tell us a little bit about yourself: where you’re from, family, job, personal interests, unique hobbies, what you do in your spare time, etc.

I’m originally from Virginia but live in Missouri now. I have a wife, Christy, who is from California. We met in Yellowstone National Park and have a “hobby” of going to a national park every fall to hike. We have two boys, Joshua and Noah.


  • Question #2 – What inspired you to write this book, about this topic? 

My book on Zechariah (Longing for God in an Age of Discouragement) grew out of an Advent sermon series. Several of the GAOT books were already out and the book of Zechariah seemed to hold real promise for what the series was trying to accomplish. My book on Esther (Inconspicuous Providence) also grew out of a sermon series, though several years after the series was preached. Several people kept encouraging me to rework the sermon manuscripts into a book.


  • Question #3 – Other than the Bible, do you have a favorite book?

Among fiction books, my favorites are My Name is Asher Lev (Chaim Potok), The Power and the Glory (Graham Greene), and The Diary of a Country Priest (Georges Bernanos). As for non-fiction books, it would be too hard to narrow down.


  • Question #4 – Do you have a favorite quote? What is it and why?

Karl Barth once said, “Only God can preach.” By that he meant that preaching really only happens when God speaks into a heart. As preachers, we preach but it only becomes preaching when God himself accompanies the words to make them effective within people. As someone who is primarily a pastor that perspective is both empowering and liberating.


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