It is apparent to us: God is God . . . and we are not! This is one of our most basic beliefs. God is our Creator; we are God’s creatures.

Thus, the divine goodness to us—when we are aware of it—must be greater than we are and greater than we can imagine. After all, divine goodness comes from God!

The psalmist loved this when he proclaimed, “How precious is your steadfast love, O God! . . . For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light” (Ps. 36:7, 9).

Martin Luther picked up the “fountain” image as he vigorously proclaimed God’s goodness in prayer: “Because he is God, he also claims from us the honor of giving far more abundantly and liberally than anyone can comprehend—like an eternal, inexhaustible fountain, which, the more it gushes forth and overflows, the more it continues to give. He desires nothing more than that we ask many and great things of him. And, on the contrary, he is angered if we do not ask and demand with confidence.”

We need a vigorous life of prayer! We receive steadfast love from God as the “eternal, inexhaustible fountain,” who gushes forth and is overflowing. God continues to give to us—and God gives much greater blessings than we can comprehend! God desires us to “ask many and great things.” We must confidently pray boldly!

Donald McKim, author, Everyday Prayer with the Reformers