God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. And God blessed them.
Genesis 1:27–28
Lily loved houseplants. After working at a plant nursery over the summer, she’d spent nearly all the money she earned to buy plants of every shape and size.
Lily learned the scientific names of each plant but gave affectionate pet names to every spider plant, snake plant, fern, and flowing English ivy. She used an app to diagnose diseases in their leaves and to remind her to fertilize the soil. She made watering schedules to ensure that each plant had proper moisture. She carefully rotated each plant baby throughout her bedroom, moving them from corners to windowsills, so that they could enjoy the appropriate amount of sunlight or shade needed to grow and thrive.
Have you ever wondered if anyone cares this much about you? Or wondered what you’d have to do to gain or hold on to this kind of attention? Do you long to be fully known? Guess what? You are already loved and cared for. You are precious to God.
God created mankind in his image. You belong to him. He designed you and gave you life. He didn’t have to develop an interest in you or learn how to care for you; he’s always had a plan. Our triune God — Father, Son, and Holy Spirit — tells us right from the beginning of the Bible why he created us. “God said, ‘Let us make [mankind] in our image, after our likeness’” (Genesis 1:26). God created you beautifully in his image so that you would reflect who he is.
God will till the hard soil of your heart and nourish you so that you will become more like Jesus. This isn’t about how you look on the outside. Scripture teaches that Jesus didn’t look special; he had “no beauty that we should desire him” (Isaiah 53:2). He was born into a carpenter’s family. His brothers’ reputations could have poked holes in his kingly credibility. God accomplished all his purposes through Christ, despite how Jesus looked to the world. God knows exactly what you need to grow and flourish under his care so that your life will become a beautiful testimony.

When others look at your life, God wants his nature to show. As God cares for you, you mature in the faith and thrive under his provision. Less of you, more of him. No matter how it may seem, his attention never drifts away from you. Just as God cares for the flowers of the field, he always provides for you (Matthew 6:25–34). The light of Christ’s presence always shines on you. His Spirit always waters you with his Word. Your Father knows when to shield you from the scorching sun and when to send rains in their season. He will shower you with his goodness.
Your heavenly Father knows you personally. You belong to him. He created you, he built you to reflect his character, and he called you by name in order to bless you and to set specific good works of grace before you.
Embrace who you are. You are created by God and made like him.
— Lindsey Carlson, author, Identity