Our Savior is called Christ
  —that is, Anointed—
because he is ordained of God the Father,
and anointed with the Holy Spirit,
to be our chief Prophet and Teacher,
who fully reveals to us
the secret counsel and will of God
concerning our redemption;
and to be our only High Priest,
who by the one sacrifice of his body,
has redeemed us, 
and ever lives
to make intercession for us
with the Father;
and also to be our eternal King,
who governs us by his Word and Spirit
and defends and preserves us 
in the enjoyment
of the salvation  
he has purchased for us.
I am called a Christian 
because by faith I am a member of Christ
and thus a partaker of his anointing
in order that I also may confess his name,
present myself to him
as a living sacrifice of thankfulness,
and, with a free and good conscience, 
fight against sin and the devil in this life,
and afterward
that I may reign with him eternally
over all creatures.

The anointing that you received from him abides in you.

1 John 2:27

— Excerpt from My Only Comfort, edited by Amanda Martin