Today is the official release of our new series, Blessings of the Faith. Written for the church, the Blessings of the Faith series introduces and celebrates Reformed doctrine and practice—each book features a brief and practical overview of its topic with discussion questions and an extensive Q&A section.
Covenantal Baptism by Jason Helopoulos
160 pages | Hardcover | $14.99 $11.50 | SAMPLE CHAPTER | Kindle: $9.99 | iTunes: $9.99
Many are aware of the debate about infant baptism without knowing the biblical and theological case for it. In this pastoral introduction to the topic, Jason Helopoulos argues from Scripture for infant baptism in the context of the covenant God enters into with his people and the great blessings that flow from it. The practice of infant baptism benefits the children themselves, their parents, and the congregation as a whole. As do all books in the Blessings of the Faith series, this short volume concludes with answers to frequently asked and pertinent questions on the topic.

Informative and encouraging, this brief book will serve as a helpful primer and quick reference tool regarding Presbyterian baptism for pastors, elders, prospective new church members, parents, and family members of children.
“Jason Helopoulos has provided a concise yet robust resource for anyone who wants to know more about the truth and beauty of covenant baptism.”—Julius J. Kim, President, The Gospel Coalition
“Biblically enlightening, doctrinally sound, experientially balanced, and practically helpful. The Q&A section is superlative—so succinct, so wise, so ‘spot-on.’ . . . Highly recommended!” —Joel R. Beeke, President, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary
“An immensely helpful study of God’s Word on a very important topic. . . . If you want to understand Reformed teaching on baptism, look no further.” —Michael Horton, J. Gresham Machen Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics, Westminster Seminary California
Expository Preaching by David Strain
160 pages | Hardcover | $14.99 $11.50 | SAMPLE CHAPTER | Kindle: $9.99 | iTunes: $9.99
Expositional preaching is highly regarded in Reformed churches—but do you sometimes wonder why? Isn’t it more efficient to study God’s Word in our own quiet times? Isn’t it more fun to discuss Scripture in a small group?
As a means of grace, preaching has a unique sin-killing, life-giving power that brings great blessing into our lives. Pastor David Strain establishes the basic biblical and theological foundations of preaching, highlights historical examples, and answers questions, fears, and objections about expositional preaching in a Reformed church.

Informative and encouraging, this short book serves as a helpful primer for pastors, study groups, and laypeople on expositional preaching and its place in the life of a Christian and the worship of the church.
“A thoughtful, engaging, stimulating primer. . . . Strain understands how vital it is for church members to hear God’s Word rightly and have it shape how they think and live.” —Ian Hamilton, Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology, Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary
“A book written with ‘wisdom from above’ on hearing the Word preached. . . . Biblical, readable, and engaging.”—Harry L. Reeder III, Senior Pastor, Briarwood Presbyterian Church, Birmingham
“How refreshing to read a work that insists on the supremacy of preaching in the local church.”—Dale Ralph Davis, Minister in Residence, First Presbyterian Church, Columbia, South Carolina
Persistent Prayer by Guy M. Richard
160 pages | Hardcover | $14.99 $11.50 | SAMPLE CHAPTER | Kindle: $9.99 | iTunes: $9.99
Praying should be as urgent and necessary to us as breathing—yet all too often we’re bored by it, distracted from it, or uncertain of its purpose. We don’t really know why we should pray.
We have many reasons to be excited about prayer, as Guy Richard shows us. It is the relationship glue that bonds our hearts more and more to the Lord. God commands us to pray, and he graciously answers our prayers. As we pour out our hearts to him, we and the world around us will be changed.

Informative, encouraging, and practical, this brief book will serve as a helpful primer for pastors, elders, study groups, and Christians who seek encouragement and instruction on prayer and its blessings. As do all books in the Blessings of the Faith series, this short volume concludes with answers to frequently asked and pertinent questions on the topic.
“Be prepared: after reading this book, you’ll want to pray big, God-honoring prayers.” —Christina Fox, Author, A Holy Fear: Trading Lesser Fears for the Fear of the Lord
“I love this book! . . . Thank you, Guy, for giving us such clear answers, anchored in the Scriptures, for why we should pray. What a gift.” —Crawford W. Loritts Jr., Author; Speaker; Radio Host
“Guy Richard is such a mentor. . . . Here’s a rich source of encouragement to spend time with our loving God!” —Sean Michael Lucas, Senior Pastor, Independent Presbyterian Church, Memphis, Tennessee