We are releasing four titles today.
- Partners in the Gospel: 50 Meditations for Pastors’ and Elders’ Wives by Megan Hill
- Freedom to Flourish: The Rest God Offers in the Purpose He Gives You by Elizabeth Garn
- Toxic Relationships: Taking Refuge in Christ by Ellen Mary Dykas
- Martin Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses: Second Edition introduced and annotated by Stephen J. Nichols
Partners in the Gospel
128 pages | Hardcover | P&R Direct: $15.99 $12.00 | SAMPLE CHAPTER | Mobi: $9.99 | ePub: $9.99
Being the wife of a pastor or an elder is a joy—and a challenge. These devotional meditations encourage and equip wives of church leaders by pointing them to the Word of God for refreshment and counsel. Whether you are new to being a pastor’s or elder’s wife or have been in that role for decades, the truths in these pages will speak to you amid the complexities of ministry life and testify that the Lord is unfailingly good.

“Megan Hill knows the joys and challenges of being a pastor’s wife, and she lovingly points us to the Savior as we serve and love our husbands and our churches. Hill serves as a trusted friend as she speaks to the myriad of circumstances that a pastor’s wife encounters. This devotional is a gift to pastors’ and elders’ wives everywhere.”
—Courtney Reissig, elder’s wife; author, Teach Me to Feel: Worshiping through the Psalms in Every Season of Life
“If you’re the wife of a pastor or elder, let me encourage you: read this book. Partners in the Gospel is full of wisdom, insight, compassion, and perspective. These daily devotions by Megan Hill will remind you of the truth, offer sympathy in the struggles, and refresh your heart as you walk alongside your husband in ministry.”
—Melissa Kruger, pastor’s wife; author; director of women’s initiatives, The Gospel Coalition
“I am glad to recommend Megan Hill’s Partners in the Gospel to any woman whose husband is in ministry. Not only are its contents highly relatable, but its application is both challenging and encouraging. It will remind you of what is true, then help you to apply that truth to your everyday life.”
—Aileen Challies, elder’s wife
Freedom to Flourish
200 pages | Paperback | P&R Direct: $14.99 $11.50 | SAMPLE CHAPTER | Mobi: $9.99 | ePub: $9.99
Are you tired? Are you weary?
So many Christian women are exhausted because we’ve come to believe that God’s purpose for us is rooted in what we do—which means we’re constantly striving to somehow do enough. But there is hope! Elizabeth takes us back to the gracious plan God laid out for us in Genesis: he created us to bear his image, he is inviting us to live out that purpose, and through Christ he frees us to flourish as those who are unconditionally loved.

“A breath of fresh air for any woman who feels exhausted from the try-harder-do-more pressures of life. . . . Writing with biblical wisdom and insight, Garn warmly invites women to rest in God as they faithfully fulfill their calling.”
—Melissa Kruger, Director of Women’s Initiatives, The Gospel Coalition
“Garn calls us to remember that the joy and fulfillment we seek cannot be uncoupled from our calling as God’s image-bearers. Offering readers a better story than traditionalist gender tropes or the try-harder-do-better mantras of secularism, she invites us into true freedom—the freedom of becoming our truest selves through Christ.”
—Hannah Anderson, Author, Made for More: An Invitation to Live in God’s Image
“Elizabeth Garn provides a compassionate and winsome voice for those struggling with their calling as Christian women. . . . Best of all, she reminds readers repeatedly that their worth in God’s sight comes not from their own efforts but as a gift from him.”
—David VanDrunen, Robert B. Strimple Professor of Systematic Theology and Christian Ethics, Westminster Seminary California
Toxic Relationships
104 pages | 31-Day Devotionals for Life series | P&R Direct: $9.99 $7.50 | SAMPLE CHAPTER | Mobi: $6.99 | ePub: $6.99
Does your happiness depend on someone else’s affection and presence in your life? Are your thoughts consumed by another person? If so, the relationship has become skewed—get help before it becomes a prison! Through thirty-one daily readings with reflection questions and practical action steps, Ellen Mary Dykas helps you to strengthen your relationship with Christ—embracing him as your true refuge—and to cultivate godly relationships with others from a place of confidence and peace.

“With a counselor’s wisdom and a friend’s sympathy, Dykas brings readers to passages of Scripture that . . . point again and again to the gracious comfort that can be found in Christ alone.”
—Megan Hill, Author, A Place to Belong
“Ellen speaks hopeful biblical truths to people who desire to be deeply known and loved yet find themselves hurt and empty in their relationships. Each devotional is filled with tender wisdom.”
—Darby A. Strickland, Author, Is It Abuse?
“For those who have been hurt, trapped, and betrayed by toxic relationships, Ellen gives way to neither despair nor dismissal but, like a gentle friend, guides us along a path of healing and restoration.”
—Jonathan D. Holmes, Founder and Executive Director, Fieldstone Counseling
Martin Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses
48 pages | Booklet | P&R Direct: $5.99 $4.50 | SAMPLE
To combat abuses in the church of his day, a young German monk drafted nearly one hundred propositions for public debate. Martin Luther posted these theses on the church door in Wittenberg, an action that helped to give birth to the Reformation.
Many people have heard of the Ninety-Five Theses, but few have read it. Yet it is a crucial text—a bold and stirring challenge to one of the largest political and ecclesiastical machines this world has ever seen. This complete reproduction includes an introduction and extensive annotations to explain the context and meaning of a short, simple work that changed the course of history.