This week’s author interview is with Elizabeth Garn. She is the author of the upcoming book, Freedom to Flourish: The Rest God Offers in the Purpose He Gives You (releasing April 7th).
- Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I’m a northern Virginia native; born and raised in the suburbs of D.C. My husband and I have been married for eighteen years and while we left the area to attend seminary, we’ve been back for a while and live here with our three very awesome kids. I’m privileged to be a full-time mom and writer/speaker on the side. For about a year that looked like me working while they were all in school, this past year, however, it’s meant I was able to oversee their distance learning. It’ll be interesting to see what this next year holds! As far as hobbies go, I’m a huge nerd. If it’s fantasy or sci-fi related, gaming (board, tabletop, or computer), or has anything to do with Marvel, I probably like it!
- When did you first want to write a book?
This might sound cheesy, but I don’t remember a time in my life when I didn’t want to write; short stories, poetry, novels, non-fiction . . . I love it all. Really, I just love words; I love how beautiful they can be when strung together well and how powerful they can be at communicating important truths. There is almost always some sort of story or teachable material running through my head or filling files on my computer.
- What inspired you to write this book, about this topic?
I grew up in the church and, while I was surrounded by amazing teachers and mentors, I absorbed a lot of wrong ideas about my worth as a woman. I came to believe at an early age that the heart of my purpose was to be a wife and mother and to work hard to serve God. And while those are wonderful things, the result in my heart was a near constant sense of failure. I simply could not do all the things “good Christian women” were supposed to do. It was when I was in seminary that I really started to understand God’s plan for us as his images on the earth and what that looked like; the freedom, the dignity, the value, etc. It was such an important message in my own life that I longed to share it with other women who were struggling with the same things I had been. I feel incredibly honored that the Lord would allow me this opportunity to do just that.
- Do you have a specific spot where you enjoy writing most?
One of my favorite places to write pre-COVID was my local library. There was one particular table in a cozy spot that was near enough people to feel like I was getting out of the house but quiet enough that I could get a lot of work done. When I can’t get there (for example, this whole last year) I am most often wrapped up in a blanket, curled up on my couch with my laptop.
- Other than the Bible, do you have a favorite book?
I feel like I should, but I just . . . don’t! I love reading so much that most of the time, whatever I’m reading at the moment is one of my favorites!
- How can readers discover more about you and your work?
- Website:
- Twitter:
- Facebook Page: @garnelizabeth
PRE-ORDER Freedom to Flourish: The Rest God Offers in the Purpose He Gives You

WTS Books: $8.99
CVBBS: $10.49
PCA Bookstore: $11.69
Christianbook: $11.99
Amazon: $14.99
Click HERE to read a sample of Elizabeth’s book.