We are very excited to be releasing these 2 new titles today:
- Pastors and Their Critics: A Guide to Coping with Criticism in the Ministry by Joel Beeke & Nick Thompson
- Is It Abuse?: A Biblical Guide to Identifying Domestic Abuse and Helping Victims by Darby Strickland

Pastors and Their Critics: A Guide to Coping with Criticism in the Ministry by Joel R. Beeke & Nick Thompson
192 pages | P&R Direct Price: $12.00 | SAMPLE CHAPTER | Mobi: $9.99 | ePub: $9.99
Every pastor knows what it’s like to be criticized. But how does he respond? And how does he offer constructive criticism of his own?

With wisdom, charity, and a wealth of personal illustrations, Joel Beeke and Nick Thompson answer these questions and more. The Bible is full of critics, and it gives us practical principles for responding to criticism, offering criticism, and creating a healthy church culture. As Beeke and Thompson unfold a theological vision for coping with criticism in the gospel ministry, you will be strengthened, encouraged, and equipped.
“I’m thankful for the hard thinking that has gone into these subjects in this book. . . It will help you as you try to develop a ‘tough skin and a tender heart.’”
—Ligon Duncan, Chancellor and CEO, Reformed Theological Seminary
“What a helpful and encouraging book. . . . Should be added to the list of books all pastors and seminarians should read if they are to endure with joy and without bitterness.”
—Michael Reeves, President and Professor of Theology, Union School of Theology
“Criticism makes and breaks pastors more often than we would like to admit. . . . This book will help you to react to criticism in a biblical way—a way that builds you instead of destroying you.”
—Conrad Mbewe, Pastor, Kabwata Baptist Church, Lusaka, Zambia
Is It Abuse?: A Biblical Guide to Identifying Domestic Abuse and Helping Victims by Darby Strickland
360 pages | P&R Direct Price: $15.00 | SAMPLE CHAPTER | Mobi: $9.99 | ePub: $9.99
For years, biblical counselor Darby Strickland has served women in oppressive marriages. Now she writes to anyone who wants to help, regardless of their level of experience. You will learn how to identify the toxic entitlement that drives abusive behavior and to better understand its impact on victims—including children who are raised in a home with domestic abuse. Ultimately, you will become equipped to provide wise and Christ-centered counsel and to empower and advocate for victims while navigating the complex dynamics of oppression in a marriage.

- Reflection questions throughout chapters guide helpers as they process the material
- Detailed inventory questions allow helpers to screen for different kinds of abuse—physical, sexual, emotional, spiritual, and financial
- Case studies, exercises, and comprehensive worksheets, including a safety action plan, can be used to train helpers and assist victims
“This resource and the wisdom it provides are integral to pastoral ministry—and indeed to the work of everyone who is ready to speak for the oppressed and cry out for justice. I cannot recommend it highly enough.”
—Rachael Denhollander, Speaker; Author; Victim Advocate
“A stunning work. . . . If you ever read a book about abuse in couples, let it be this one.”
—Alasdair Groves, Executive Director, Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation
“The clearest and most complete work on understanding the dynamics and impact of abuse.”
—Chris Moles, Author, The Heart of Domestic Abuse
Also by Darby Strickland

Domestic Abuse: Recognize, Respond, Rescue (booklet, $3.99)
Experienced family counselor Darby Strickland explains from Scripture what truly happens in oppressive marriages and how counselors, friends, and family can defend and protect victims while correcting and discipling abusers.
Domestic Abuse: Help for the Sufferer (booklet, $3.99)
Darby Strickland helps those oppressed by abuse to speak out, find support, and determine their next steps, showing God’s heart for them and desire to rescue them.