Where Is God in All of This?: Finding God’s Purpose in Our Suffering by Deborah Howard

$9.99 | 160 pages | Paperback


“Why me?” “What did I do to deserve this?” “Where is God in all of this?”

To anyone who has undergone a period of intense suffering, these questions will sound all too familiar. In times of trials and sadness, confusion so often clouds our ability to see God’s hand at work, and our questions can seem impossible to answer.

Where Is God in All of This? provides a godly response to such questions and guides the hurting soul to a place of trusting submission to God’s will. Deborah Howard, an experienced hospice nurse and counselor, draws from her daily experiences with the doubts of anguished and questioning people and reminds us that all things happen for a twofold purpose: our best good and God’s greatest glory.


“With a solid biblical understanding of pain and suffering, a mature mind with years of fruitful ministry to hurting people, and a sincere desire to provide help to those in need, Deborah has given us a resource of lasting spiritual value.”

Lance Quinn

“Warm, wise, kind, honest, and full of the Word, helpfully applied! Thanks to Deborah for writing it.”

Bob Lepine

The Author

Deborah Howard divides her time between nursing and writing. A student of the Bible, Deborah finds joy in service to others in the various ministries in which she is involved. She is also the coauthor of It’s Not Fair!