1. Sons in the Son: The Riches and Reach of Adoption in Christ by David B. Garner
400 pages | List Price: $24.99 | SAMPLE CHAPTER | Kindle ($9.99) | iTunes/ePub ($9.99)
What does being adopted in God’s Son really mean for Paul’s conception of redemptive grace? Sons in the Son examines the function of this permeating familial concept in terms of Pauline thought: Christology, eschatology, union with Christ, and adoption’s relationship to other benefits for believers. Drawing from a biblico-theological investigation of the adoption texts, Garner explores how adoption frames Pauline soteriology and defines the central familial context of redemption.
“I’m convinced that Garner’s book will be considered a theological classic of the Christian faith. . . . To say I absolutely loved it would be an understatement.”
—Dan Cruver, President, Together for Adoption
“Reading Sons in the Son is like putting on a new set of glasses that enable the reader to see the glistening beauty of God’s grace of adoption throughout the entirety of his salvation plan.”
—Nancy Guthrie, Author, Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament series
2. From Inscrutability to Concursus: Benjamin B. Warfield’s Theological Construction of Revelation’s Mode from 1880 to 1915 by Jeffrey A. Stivason
264 pages | List Price: $39.99 | SAMPLE CHAPTER | Kindle ($24.99) | iTunes/ePub ($24.99) | Reformed Academic Dissertations series
Benjamin B. Warfield, one of the Reformed world’s most celebrated theologians, was a theological diagnostician who demonstrated a remarkable ability to grasp the origin and direction of theological trends. The challenge in Warfield’s day was to explain how God communicated. Pursuing the answer to that question led him on the theological journey that is chronicled in this book. Our day is like Warfield’s: the need of the hour is not to explain revelation’s source but God’s mode of communicating, if we are to maintain that Scripture is indeed God’s Word.
“Stivason’s analysis is an important contribution to our understanding not just of Warfield’s mature doctrine of Scripture, but also of the central role that the doctrine of concursus played in his thought as a whole. Enthusiastically recommended.”
—Paul Kjoss Helseth, Professor of Christian Thought, University of Northwestern, St. Paul
“A top-notch exposition of a top-tier theologian.”
—Lane G. Tipton, Charles Krahe Chair of Systematic Theology, Associate Professor of Systematic Theology, Westminster Theological Seminary
3. How to Understand and Apply the Old Testament: Twelve Steps from Exegesis to Theology by Jason S. DeRouchie
640 pages | List Price: $39.99 | Hardcover | SAMPLE CHAPTER | Kindle ($29.99) | iTunes/ePub ($29.99)
This book is for anyone who wants to learn how to observe carefully, understand accurately, evaluate fairly, feel appropriately, act rightly, and express faithfully God’s revealed Word, especially as embodied in the Old Testament.
- Follow an extensively field-tested twelve-step process to deepen understanding and shape theology (biblical, systematic, and practical).
- Engage with numerous illustrations from Scripture that model these interpretive steps.
- Learn how to track an author’s thought-flow, grasp the text’s message, and apply the ancient Word in this modern world, all in light of Christ’s redeeming work.
Loaded with examples, practical answers, and recommended resources, the twelve chapters will empower believers to study, practice, and teach the Old Testament as Christian Scripture, understanding and applying it in ways that nurture hope in the gospel and magnify the Messiah.
“Conversationally engaging; literarily transparent; materially comprehensive; pedagogically superb; academically sound, precise, and informed—all this and more. In over fifty-two years of teaching in the classrooms of higher education, I have seen nothing comparable to this magnificent work by DeRouchie—destined to be the classic in its field.”
—Eugene H. Merrill, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Old Testament Studies, Dallas Theological Seminary
“This volume not only will become a standard course textbook, but will also serve as a lifelong resource for those called to study and faithfully proclaim the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ from the Old Testament.”
—Miles V. Van Pelt, Alan Belcher Professor of Old Testament and Biblical Languages, Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson
4. How to Understand and Apply the New Testament: Twelve Steps from Exegesis to Theology by Andrew David Naselli
432 pages | List Price: $39.99 | Hardcover | SAMPLE CHAPTER | Kindle ($29.99) | iTunes/ePub ($29.99)
This comprehensive, conversational book is for anyone who wants to understand and apply the Bible—and the New Testament in particular—in a responsible, well-informed, and God-glorifying way. Naselli is an able guide, walking readers through a carefully field-tested twelve-stage interpretive process that pastors, scholars, teachers, and laypeople can use with benefit.
- Move from genre to textual criticism, take Greek grammar and literary context into account, and journey through the passage all the way to practical application.
- Learn how to track an author’s thought-flow, grasp the text’s message, and apply the ancient Word in this modern world, all in light of Christ’s redeeming work.
- Go further in your studies using the extensive recommended resources for every step of the way.
With engaging illustrations and practical answers at their fingertips, readers will master the skills needed to deepen understanding and shape theology with confidence and wisdom.
“Skill in reading God’s Word serves the sweetness of relishing God’s glory. So choose your reading guides wisely. Andy Naselli is one of the best.”
—John Piper, Founder and Teacher, Desiring God
“I cannot think of another introduction to New Testament exegesis that combines this degree of clarity and comprehensiveness, all with the design of helping us live in light of the gospel for the glory of God.”
—Justin Taylor, Executive Vice President of Book Publishing and Book Publisher, Crossway
“Andy Naselli is one of my favorite authors because of the combination of his soundness as a theologian and his giftedness as a teacher. Both qualities are on bright display here.”
—Tim Challies, Blogger, challies.com
5. The Essential Trinity: New Testament Foundations and Practical Relevance edited by Carl R. Trueman & Brandon D. Crowe
320 pages | List Price: $19.99 | SAMPLE CHAPTER | Kindle ($9.99) | iTunes/ePub ($9.99)
The doctrine of the Trinity is foundational to Christian theology. A careful study of the whole counsel of God, rather than a selective reading of biblical texts, brings needed clarity. In a work geared especially toward leaders in the church, scholars of the Trinity give Old Testament background, provide trinitarian readings of the entire New Testament corpus, and explore the practical relevance of the doctrine to prayer, worship, and other aspects of Christian life and ministry.
“Today there are many books on the market dealing with the doctrine of the Trinity. This is my favorite. It is a clear presentation, discussion, and application of the historic doctrine by people who believe it and have studied it deeply. The essays have kept close to their source, the teaching of the Holy Scriptures. . . . I do not agree with every detail of every essay; they do enter into some controversial areas. But the reader will learn even from that controversy to engage the Scriptures with more thought and devotion.”
—John M. Frame, Professor of Systematic Theology and Philosophy, Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando
“What a pleasure to commend this book—an exegetical treasure, unpacking the doctrine of the Trinity on the Bible’s own terms; a refreshing presentation of the doctrine’s vital importance for the Christian and the church; and a rich resource for the preacher.”
—Fred G. Zaspel, Executive Editor, Books at a Glance; Associate Professor of Christian Theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; Pastor, Reformed Baptist Church, Franconia, Pennsylvania
6. Introduction to Hebrew: A Guide for Learning and Using Biblical Hebrew by William Fullilove
448 Pages | Trim: 8 1/2 x 11 | List Price: $39.99 | SAMPLE CHAPTER | Click here to watch online courses for all 28 chapters
If you’re learning Hebrew, why not enjoy it?
Sadly, most students of biblical Hebrew quit their studies at the most crucial moment—the transition from language basics to biblical exegesis. But you can flourish early on and progress further if you learn from the outset to read andexplain biblical texts effectively.
In this comprehensive introductory textbook, Professor William Fullilove covers the basics of biblical Hebrew morphology and syntax while developing skills in the beginner that are typically reserved for more advanced students. Hebrew study becomes rapidly rewarding as you start to
- appreciate nuances of God’s Word that you would not be able to see in translation;
- understand how to appropriately use the best tools and secondary resources to aid in exegesis; and
- learn how to use your Hebrew knowledge to enrich your own understanding, research, and teaching.
Your studies are valuable. Stay engaged as you learn how to handle God’s Word with depth, confidence, and robust exegesis.
“This is the best teaching grammar of biblical Hebrew available today. It has no rival. . . . What sets this grammar apart is its exegetical focus, showing at every turn the relevance of the language for biblical interpretation. This is the ideal textbook for students in colleges and seminaries who are preparing for Christian ministry.”
—Scott C. Jones, Professor of Biblical Studies, Covenant College
“Here’s the book I wish I had been given, and from which I wish I had been instructed, when I was a student of Hebrew.”
—Timothy Keller, Founding Pastor, Redeemer Presbyterian Church
7. Anger and Stress Management God’s Way by Wayne A. Mack
144 pages | List Price: $14.99 | SAMPLE CHAPTER | Kindle ($8.99) | ePub ($8.99)
Anger and stress affect each of us every day—even if we aren’t feeling them ourselves, we come into contact with people who are. But their commonplace nature shouldn’t cause us to shrug them away. Anger and stress are both destroyers, and they must be controlled before they bring devastating harm.
Mack exhorts us: “You don’t have to be overcome and destroyed by ungodly anger or stress. By God’s grace, you can be an overcomer.”
Of all the resources available to us, the Bible contains the most trustworthy and helpful guidance on how to handle ungodly anger and stress. Internationally respected and experienced biblical counselor Wayne Mack shows how to turn to God’s Word to find help, explaining principles that can be adopted for lasting positive change.
Includes study questions and evaluation materials.
“A compelling read and so very biblically practical. This book gives so much hope for true, God-honoring change.”
—Martha Peace, Author, The Excellent Wife
“For those who struggle with anger and those who labor to help, this volume is a must-read. Every biblical counselor should own a copy and have it at the ready.”
—Daniel Kirk, Director of Calvary Bible Counseling Ministries
8. The Christ of Wisdom: A Redemptive-Historical Exploration of the Wisdom Books of the Old Testament by O. Palmer Robertson
432 pages | List Price: $19.99 | Sample Chapter | Kindle ($9.99) | iTunes/ePub ($9.99)
How do we walk in the way of wisdom? How should we respond to suffering? How can we cope with life’s frustrations and sorrows? How ought we to weep? How ought we to love?
The answers can be found in the great “how-to” books of Scripture—the Old Testament’s wisdom literature—but unfortunately, these books are frequently overlooked in biblical theology, despite their immense significance for God’s people. O. Palmer Robertson introduces the concept of biblical wisdom before providing a redemptive-historical analysis of Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, and Lamentations. These neglected books offer the contemporary reader inspired insight (and a solid dose of godly realism) into every major realm of human existence: from love and intimacy to grief and calamity.
“Robertson’s book is the best I know of on this subject. It focuses on what the Bible itself says about wisdom, particularly in the wisdom literature. I have learned much from it, and I hope that many others will as well.”
—John M. Frame, Professor Emeritus of Systematic Theology and Philosophy, Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando
“A major contribution to Christian understanding of wisdom in the Old Testament. As always, Palmer Robertson’s work is firmly rooted in the full authority of Scripture and in the supremacy of Christ over all creation. . . . He not only addresses academic issues, but also provides enormously helpful insights into the practical application of biblical wisdom to modern life.”
—Richard L. Pratt Jr., President, Third Millennium Ministries
O. Palmer Robertson (ThM, ThD, Union Theological Seminary, Virginia) is director and principal of African Bible College, Uganda. He previously taught at Reformed, Westminster, Covenant, and Knox Seminaries.
9. Divided We Fall: Overcoming a History of Christian Disunity by Luder G. Whitlock Jr.
248 pages | List Price: $14.99 | Sample Chapter | Kindle ($9.99) | iTunes/ePub ($9.99)
Throughout the centuries, Christians have longed to be united with one another—supporting each other and working in harmony. But our reality is very different, and we need only to read the New Testament to realize that disunity has been with us from the start.
What can we do to foster unity and deeper community in a world where so many relationships are fractured and fractious? Luder Whitlock Jr. explores God’s desire for unity in the church, overviews the history of global Christianity with an eye on its schisms and agreements, and points us toward the necessity of God-honoring fellowship, laying out steps we can take to increase trust and develop understanding, especially within the church.
As governments grow increasingly unsupportive of Christianity, it is even more important for us to listen to each other and work together for the common good—despite our many differences.
“Luder Whitlock’s book is something of a cri de coeur for greater unity in the church. At a time when Christian leaders are almost obsessed about the culture, this book rightly argues that we will shape the broader society only to the degree that we make the Christian church what it should be. And in our present moment, the unity of the church is both a witness to the world and a necessity for its strength and vitality. Luder’s appeal comes from long experience and membership in several denominations. He marshals evidence for his contentions from the Bible, theology, history, and organizational literature. Not everyone will agree with every proposal or every argument, but overall the book makes a compelling case.”
—Timothy Keller, Senior Pastor, Redeemer Presbyterian Church, New York City
“Whitlock is a trusted voice for Christians because he evidences deep wisdom, compassion, and maturity, as well as intellect and skill. This book calls the church to gospel unity in ways that will provoke you to think, ponder, and pray.”
—Russell Moore, President, Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission
Luder G. Whitlock Jr. served as president of Reformed Theological Seminary from 1978–2001, where he had previously been a professor. Today he is executive director of the CNL Charitable Foundation and the JMS Foundation; president of Excelsis; and minister at large for the First Presbyterian Church of Orlando. He and his wife, Mary Lou, have three children and eleven grandchildren.
10. The Triune God of Unity in Diversity: An Analysis of Perspectivalism, the Trinitarian Theological Method of John Frame and Vern Poythress by Timothy E. Miller
384 pages | List Price: $49.99 | Sample Chapter | Kindle ($29.99) | iTunes/ePub ($29.99) | Reformed Academic Dissertations series
Timothy Miller defends and further develops the foundationally Trinitarian, multiperspectival theological method of John Frame and Vern Poythress, an eminently useful, historically Reformed tool for understanding all created reality.
“This is a highly stimulating work that makes a very helpful and useful contribution in its argument for utilizing the Trinitarian processions in a Frame/Poythress perspectival account of knowledge and apologetics. In terms of originality, I think the meat of the work lies there, and good meat it is too.”
—Mike Ovey, Principal, Oak Hill College, London, England
“Triperspectivalism is a theological method based on the Bible’s teaching about the one God in three persons. Tim Miller’s book presents an accurate formulation of this method and explores in depth the origin of the method in the doctrine of the Trinity. I recommend the book highly to those who aspire to be serious students of theological method and of the Trinity itself.”
—John Frame, Professor Emeritus of Systematic Theology and Philosophy, Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando
Timothy E. Miller (M.A., Maranatha Baptist University; M.Div., Calvary Baptist Theological Seminary; Ph.D., Westminster Theological Seminary) is assistant professor of systematic theology and apologetics at Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary. He previously taught for four years at Maranatha Baptist University and was an assistant pastor in Philadelphia.
P&R’s Reformed Academic Dissertation (RAD) series consists of top-tier dissertations (Ph.D., Th.D., D.Min., and Th.M.) that advance biblical and theological scholarship by making distinctive contributions in the areas of theology, ethics, biblical studies, apologetics, and counseling. Dissertations in the RAD series are carefully selected, on the basis of strong recommendations by the authors’ supervisors and examiners and by our internal readers, to be part of our collection. Each selected dissertation provides clear, fresh, and engaging insights about significant theological issues.
11. Johanna and Henriette Kuyper: Daring to Change Their World by Abigail van der Velde
264 pages | List Price: $12.99 | SAMPLE CHAPTER | Kindle ($6.99) | iTunes/ePub ($6.99) | Chosen Daughters series
As the 1800s draw to a close and a new century begins, forces for change are already at work in the Netherlands’ entrenched society when custom is further challenged by two bold women, Johanna Kuyper and her daughter Henriette.
Johanna is a traditional wife eager to both support and challenge her strong-willed husband, Abraham Kuyper, a dominant leader in church, education, and politics. She serves her family and community through celebrations and sorrows, social upheaval and political conflicts.
The more progressive Henriette Kuyper is an international traveler, champion of women’s suffrage, and wartime correspondent—among much else!
Risking reproach and defying custom, both will find very different ways to change their world for good and for God’s sake.
“The Byrd women found that one of the biggest impacts of Abigail van der Velde’s biographical novel is the way it makes us consider how we glorify and honor the Lord by living faithfully according to the unique personalities and gifts he has so graciously designed each of us to use in order to contribute to his service. In that way, we sharpen one another and display a fuller picture of Christ.”
—Aimee Byrd, author of Housewife Theologian, and her daughters Solanna and Zaidee
“There were moments when I had the impression that I was reading a story of my parents’ family—how I was raised. I enjoyed reading this very much.”
—Hein Schaaij, great-nephew of Johanna Kuyper
Abigail van der Velde was born and raised in North Carolina, lived in New York City, and then married a Dutchman and moved to the Netherlands, where she lived for eight years. With previous experience in journalism and editing, she now writes fiction. Johanna and Henriette Kuyper is her first novel.
The Chosen Daughters series highlights the lives of ordinary women who by God’s grace accomplish extraordinary things. The series features the stories of Jeanne d’Albret, Edith Cavell, Johanna and Henriette Kuyper, Olympia Morata, Juliana von Stolberg, and Margaret Wilson.
12. Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage: Critical Questions and Answers by Jim Newheiser
336 pages | List Price: $16.99 | SAMPLE CHAPTER | Kindle ($9.99) | iTunes/ePub ($9.99)
What constitutes a valid marriage? How should you go about finding a spouse? Is there a purpose to engagement? Why, and under what circumstances, does God permit divorce? Is abuse a ground for divorce? When is remarriage advisable?
When it comes to counseling related to marriage, remarriage, and divorce, the questions and issues can be especially complex. But we can turn confidently to the Word of God for answers, knowing that it will speak to every situation with profound wisdom. Drawing on decades of marriage counseling experience, Newheiser explores questions relating to marriage—unpacking the answers given in God’s Word. This useful reference work for pastors or counselors can also be read straight through for a scriptural overview of the topic or assigned in small sections to counselees.
Watch a video of Jim talking about his book: https://vimeo.com/213550932
“I am aware of no resource on marriage that is as comprehensive and yet as accessible as this book.”
—Heath Lambert
“Newheiser’s pastoral insight, lucid analysis, and biblical focus make this book a must-read for people with questions about marriage and a valuable resource for a pastor’s bookshelf.”
—Tedd Tripp
“I wish I had had a copy before I started out in ministry in the local church. I would have been better equipped to help and better prepared for the kinds of issues I would encounter.”
—Ligon Duncan
Jim Newheiser (MA, DMin, Westminster Theological Seminary) is director of the Christian Counseling program and associate professor of practical theology at Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte. He a fellow of the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC) and a board member of the Fellowship of Independent Reformed Evangelicals.
13. Christ and Covenant Theology: Essays on Election, Republication, and the Covenants by Cornelis P. Venema
504 pages | List Price: $24.99 | Kindle ($9.99) | ePub/iTunes ($9.99) | SAMPLE CHAPTER | AUTHOR VIDEO
“In the biblical drama of the living God’s works in creation and redemption,” writes Cornelis Venema, “no theme is more lustrous than that of God’s gracious intention to enjoy communion with humans who bear his image and whose lives have been broken through sin.”
This collection of Venema’s essays summarizes and defends a broad consensus view of the doctrine of the covenants in the history of Reformed theology and clarifies several areas of dispute.
Venema argues that (1) the distinction between a pre-fall covenant of works and a post-fall covenant of grace is an integral feature of a biblical and confessionally Reformed understanding of the history of redemption; (2) the distinction between a pre-fall covenant of works and a post-fall covenant of grace is necessary to preserve the sheer graciousness of God’s redemption in Jesus Christ; and (3) the doctrines of covenant and election are corollary doctrines, not opposed to each other, but mutually defining.
“No one today is better qualified to address the perennially important issues of covenant theology than Cornel Venema. In this volume he considers some of these issues in the context of current discussions and debates, doing so in a particularly instructive and helpful manner.”
—Richard B. Gaffin Jr., Professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology, Emeritus, Westminster Theological Seminary
“Cornelis Venema sheds much-needed light on issues ranging from the doctrine of republication to the Federal Vision theology. Regardless of whether one agrees with all of Venema’s specific conclusions, his arguments cannot be ignored. A must-read.”
—Keith Mathison, Professor of Systematic Theology, Reformation Bible College
“Cornel Venema . . . is an expert to whom I have often looked for analysis and assessment of important issues relating
to classic covenant theology. . . . Venema is superb in his synopsis of and engagement with these kinds of issues.”
—Ligon Duncan, Chancellor and CEO, Reformed Theological Seminary
Cornelis P. Venema (Ph.D., Princeton Theological Seminary) is president of Mid-America Reformed Seminary, where he is also professor of doctrinal studies.
14. It Has Not Yet Appeared What We Shall Be: A Reconsideration of the Imago Dei in Light of Those with Severe Cognitive Disabilities by George C. Hammond
336 pages | List Price: $49.99 | SAMPLE CHAPTER | Kindle ($29.99) | ePub ($29.99) | Series: Reformed Academic Dissertations
The doctrine of the imago Dei has been criticized for technically excluding people who suffer from severe cognitive disabilities. With such people in mind, Hammond reexamines the doctrine and sets forth a more accurate and inclusive understanding. This work concludes with implications and practical applications to help seminary professors, pastors, and church members include, embrace, and welcome people with severe intellectual disabilities and their families.
“A gift born out of much affliction of soul and mind. . . . In an age when the secular discussion of ‘personhood’ runs parallel to the theological discussion of imago Dei, Dr. Hammond gives us a careful, clear, and theologically detailed treatment of this vital doctrine for our day.”
—Michael S. Beates, Dean of Students, The Geneva School, Winter Park, Florida; Author, Disability & the Gospel: How God Uses Our Brokenness to Display His Grace
“This book is a gem, for it defends the traditional view of who we are in the face of the relevant theological and scientific issues. . . . It is unique, powerful, biblically sound, and practical. I am not aware of anything quite like it.”
—William Edgar, Professor of Apologetics, Westminster Theological Seminary
P&R’s Reformed Academic Dissertation (RAD) series consists of top-tier dissertations (Ph.D., Th.D., D.Min., and Th.M.) that advance biblical and theological scholarship by making distinctive contributions in the areas of theology, ethics, biblical studies, apologetics, and counseling. Dissertations in the RAD series are carefully selected, on the basis of strong recommendations by the authors’ supervisors and examiners and by our internal readers, to be part of our collection. Each selected dissertation provides clear, fresh, and engaging insights about significant theological issues.
George C. Hammond (M.Div., Westminster Theological Seminary; D.Min., Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary) is the pastor of Bethel Presbyterian Church in Leesburg, Virginia, and a teaching fellow of the C. S. Lewis Institute Fellows Program.
15. Revelation by Richard D. Phillips
784 pages | List Price: $39.99 | Hardcover | SAMPLE CHAPTER | Kindle ($29.99) | ePub ($29.99) | Reformed Expository Commentary series
The book of Revelation is a riveting read—but a persistent question Christians have is, “What does it mean?”
Pastor-theologian Richard Phillips provides a thorough and penetrating study of each chapter while highlighting the theme of the sovereign rule of Christ over history for the salvation of his church.
The apostle John wrote his book with the intention of being understood by real people. Carefully noting how the book’s symbolism works, Phillips paints the pictures of Revelation and explains its meaning to readers today. Along the way, readers will see the glory of Christ as the exalted Priest and King for his people, observe the vision of present and future history laid out in Revelation, and discover the powerful pattern of faith by which we may join Christians of all ages in victory.
Study Guide to the Book of Revelation
“This book matches, or even supersedes, Richard Phillips’s other fine volumes in this reputable series. The author opens up Revelation in a manner that informs the Bible student, equips the preacher, comforts the suffering believer, and ignites the worshiper for the praise of Christ. Highly recommended!”
—Joel R. Beeke, President, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids
“Richard Phillips does not flinch at the daunting texts and famed cruxes
of the Apocalypse. Moreover, as a result of this resolute commitment, Dr. Phillips has given us a full, exegetically rich, pastorally sensitive exposition of Revelation. Revelation is sure to grace and elevate thousands of pulpits and Bible studies across the world!”
—R. Kent Hughes, Senior Pastor Emeritus, College Church, Wheaton
“Richard Phillips, in the providence of God, has provided an excellent asset for any and all who embrace the promised blessing to all who read, hear, and keep ‘the words of the prophecy of this book.’ The book of Revelation is undoubtedly a challenge to understand, so this excellent systematic preaching commentary will be of inestimable value to the sacred task.”
—Harry L. Reeder III, Senior Pastor, Briarwood Presbyterian Church, Birmingham
All the books in the Reformed Expository Commentary series are accessible to both pastors and lay readers. Each volume in the series provides exposition that gives careful attention to the biblical text, is doctrinally Reformed, focuses on Christ through the lens of redemptive history, and applies the Bible to our contemporary setting.
Richard D. Phillips (MDiv, Westminster Theological Seminary) is the senior minister of Second Presbyterian Church of Greenville, South Carolina. He is a council member of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, chairman of the Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology, and coeditor of the Reformed Expository Commentary series.
16. Letters to a Romantic: On Dating by Sean Perron & Spencer Harmon
Pages: 144 | List Price: $9.99 | SAMPLE CHAPTER | Kindle ($6.99) | ePub ($6.99)
Dear Romantic,
It’s no secret that this stage of life is a tough one! The dating process is complicated and confusing—and that’s before difficulties like how to graciously decline a date, how to guard your bodies and hearts, and how to deal with sexual sin in your past.
But we are writing you with great news! God cares about you and your relationships, and his Word shares meaningful and practical advice. Sean Perron and Spencer Harmon, along with their wives, Jenny and Taylor, have written you several letters to guide you through this season of dating—each one is short, practical, and relevant, and contains discussion questions to help you apply it even more personally.
Whether you are struggling with singleness, enduring a breakup, embarking on a new relationship, or even making the final step toward engagement, opening up these letters will help you to start some helpful, God-honoring conversations.
“If you want rock-solid biblical guidance on dating . . . if you want to think wisely and practically about how to handle a first date, parents, breaking up, pornography, kissing, past sexual history, or declining a date . . . if you want to honor Christ with your dating relationships . . . read this book. I can’t wait to put it into the hands of singles in my church!”
—Deepak Reju, Pastor of Biblical Counseling and Family Ministry, Capitol Hill Baptist Church, Washington, DC; Author, On Guard and The Pastor and Counseling
“Christian men and women who are seeking to understand how to make godly decisions concerning dating need to carefully study the wisdom of this book. . . . You will be surprised at the practical wisdom this book gives. We highly recommend it to you.”
—John D. Street and Janie L. Street, Authors, The Biblical Counseling Guide for Women
17. Letters to a Romantic: On Engagement by Sean Perron & Spencer Harmon
Pages: 144 | List Price: $9.99 | SAMPLE CHAPTER | Kindle ($6.99) | ePub ($6.99)
Dear Romantic,
As you stand on the cusp of marriage, you’re probably wondering about important topics such as sex, in-law relationships, and conflict resolution. Would you guess that these same issues come up when married couples are having trouble later? So basically, expect to discuss them either proactively with your fiancé now . . . or years into your marriage when they have turned into problems!
Sean Perron and Spencer Harmon, along with their wives, Jenny and Taylor, are here to help you get these conversations started. They have written several letters to guide you through your engagement, from your proposal to your wedding night. Each one is short, practical, and relevant, and contains discussion questions to help you apply it even more personally.
God’s Word, and the guidance of mentors who can open it with you, are the best source of clarity during your engagement—and, in these letters, that’s exactly what you will find.
“Where can a couple get wise counsel for this season of engagement—one that ricochets, almost daily, between sparkling anticipation and disorienting discussion? . . . Pull up a chair and spend a few hours with Sean and Spencer. You will come away packed with fresh faith, enriched by practical insights, and uniquely prepared for the magnificent journey toward marriage!”
—Dave Harvey, Executive Director, Sojourn Network; Author, When Sinners Say “I Do”: Discovering the Power of the Gospel for Marriage
“In a culture that is consistently and continually failing miserably at marriage, we desperately need someone to show us a better way. . . . [This book] is down to earth, practical, helpful, and rooted in God’s Word. We highly recommend it!”
—Kristen Clark and Bethany Baird, Founders, GirlDefined Ministries; Coauthors, Girl Defined: God’s Radical Design for Beauty, Femininity, and Identity
18. Theology in Three Dimensions: A Guide to Triperspectivalism and Its Significance by John M. Frame
Pages: 136 | List Price: $12.99 | SAMPLE CHAPTER | Kindle ($8.99) | ePub ($8.99)
Because God created all things with coherent unity, everything can be understood from the perspective of everything else. We experience the world in the context of our own bodies, but every day we broaden our understanding through the perspectives of others. Meanwhile, our omniscient God is also omniperspectival. Through his revelation, he allows us a glimpse of his own divine perspective.
What does this mean for us? One valuable dimension of this reality is that theological issues can also be helpfully viewed from multiple perspectives without compromising their unity and truth. In this accessible introduction to his Bible study and theological method, John Frame teaches us to approach doctrine with situational, normative, and existential perspectives modeled on the Trinity.
“A clear and refreshing explanation of John Frame’s insightful approach to studying the Bible (and everything else!) from three different ‘perspectives.’ It is the fruit of a lifetime of thinking and teaching.”
—Wayne Grudem, Research Professor of Theology and Biblical Studies, Phoenix Seminary
19. Preparing Children for Marriage: How to Teach God’s Good Design for Marriage, Sex, Purity, and Datingby Josh Mulvihill
Pages: 256 | List Price: $16.99 | SAMPLE CHAPTER | Kindle ($9.99) | ePub ($9.99)
“My kids are way too young to be thinking about dating and marriage already! Why would I begin ‘the talk’ now, before they’ve even started asking questions?”
Many parents find it difficult to broach these topics with their children, especially in age-appropriate ways. But our choice is no longer between teaching them now or later—if we do not reach them first, our culture is happy to step in with messages of its own. Someone is going to shape our children’s beliefs—so the time to start biblical conversations is now!
In this foundation-laying book, Josh Mulvihill offers theological training for a critical area of parenting. He walks parents through how to begin conversations, then teaches them God’s purpose for dating, marriage, and sex so they can pass this teaching on to their children.
The Bible says children are never too young to learn God’s plan for this area of their lives . . . so prepare yourself to prepare them for one of the most important decisions they will ever make.
“Wow! What a great book to empower parents to have early-and-often discussions with their children about love, sex, and marriage.”
—Scott Turansky, Cofounder, National Center for Biblical Parenting
20. The Complete Husband, Revised and Expanded: A Practical Guide for Improved Biblical Husbanding by Lou Priolo
Pages: 320 | List Price: $17.99 | SAMPLE CHAPTER | Kindle ($9.99) | ePub ($9.99)
Being a consistently biblical husband is not for the faint of heart! God has given husbands huge responsibilities to their wives, but the good news is that God also gives husbands the grace and resources to obey his commands. In The Complete Husband, experienced biblical counselor Lou Priolo delves deep into the skills, goals, and attitudes a God-honoring husband must develop, giving practical advice throughout. If you’ve ever wondered how to best protect, please, and lead your wife, how to communicate with her, how to disagree with her—even how to talk to her!—you will find comprehensive guidance here. Yes, being a biblical husband is not for the faint of heart—but those who boldly follow God’s Word will reap great and lasting benefits in their marriages.
“Fills a large, empty space on the pastor’s and parent’s resource shelf. It is simple without being shallow and comprehensive without being tedious. A man will find solid, biblical counsel here on how to know and love his wife. A book to read and return to often.”
—Tedd Tripp, Author of Shepherding a Child’s Heart and Instructing a Child’s Heart
21. The Doctrine of the Spirituality of the Church in the Ecclesiology of Charles Hodge by Alan D. Strange
Pages: 432 | List Price: $59.99 | SAMPLE CHAPTER | Kindle ($35.99) | ePub ($35.99)
Charles Hodge (1797–1878) was arguably the leading Old School Presbyterian of the nineteenth century. He was involved with all the great ecclesiastical controversies of his day, including the question of the spirituality of the church. In Hodge’s hands the spirituality of the church functioned as a complex and subtle doctrine, not serving, as it did with some, as a “muzzle” for the prophetic voice of the church into society, but as a means of keeping its ecclesiastical focus from being swallowed by the political. For Hodge, the spirituality of the church meant that the primary calling of the church was not, first of all, temporal but spiritual, especially in its carrying out the Great Commission. Hodge believed, however, that even in carrying out its essentially spiritual duties, the scope of the church’s concern was broader temporally than some partisans of the spirituality of the church constructed it.
“Carefully researched, copiously annotated, and enthusiastically written, these pages provide a vibrant and fascinating account . . . of issues that are still profoundly relevant to the church today.”
—Sinclair B. Ferguson, Teaching Fellow, Ligonier Ministries
22. Come to the Waters: Daily Bible Devotions for Spiritual Refreshment by James Montgomery Boice
Pages: 400 | List Price: $22.99 | Hardcover | SAMPLE CHAPTER
“Study of the Bible must be the consuming passion of a believer’s life.” So said James Montgomery Boice—and he practiced what he preached. Throughout the decades of his faithful church ministry, Boice devoted himself to the Word of God for the glory of God. This yearlong devotional selects from the fruit of his labor, distilling his teaching into 365 readings from Genesis to Revelation. A topical index and a Scripture index allow you to tailor your own reading plan.
In the spirit of Boice, the devotions are not moralistically superficial—intended to make you a better person. Instead they are intended to lead you every day to your only hope: Jesus Christ, the life-giving Living Water for your soul.
“James Montgomery Boice was a master Bible teacher. He could make the most difficult passages approachable, clear and practical. That legacy shines in this wonderful day-by-day collection. Read and savor. These devotionals will not only cause you to love the Word of God, but, more importantly, the God of grace who is revealed in every passage.”
—Paul David Tripp, President, Paul Tripp Ministries
23. Departing in Peace: Biblical Decision-Making at the End of Life by Bill Davis
Pages: 328 | List Price: $19.99 | SAMPLE CHAPTER | Kindle ($9.99) | ePub ($9.99)
Decisions at the end of life create deep anxiety for those involved. But it is possible to find peace and comfort amid the hard choices.
As a church elder and hospital ethics consultant, Bill Davis has talked, walked, and prayed with many people in end-of-life situations. Employing varied case studies and biblical, ethical insight, he guides you in making decisions for yourself and others, preparing advance directives, taking financial concerns into account, and navigating new realities in American hospitals.
Free lesson and group discussion plans available.
“This book combines mature biblical teaching with the brass-tacks practical questions that we all face with the death of loved ones. These are the things that we don’t usually think about until they happen. I highly recommend Departing in Peace as essential preparation.”
—Michael Horton, J. Gresham Machen Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics, Westminster Seminary California
24. Thinking through Creation: Genesis 1 and 2 as Tools of Cultural Critique by Christopher Watkin
List Price: $17.99 | 192 pages | SAMPLE CHAPTER | Kindle ($9.99) | ePub ($9.99)
Reading Genesis 1 and 2, we are tempted to see only problems to solve. Yet these two chapters burst with glorious truths about God, our world, and ourselves. In fact, their foundational doctrines are among the richest sources of insight as we pursue robust, sensitive, and constructive engagement with others about contemporary culture and ideas.
With deftness and clarity, Christopher Watkin reclaims the Trinity and creation from their cultural despisers and shows how they speak into, question, and reorient some of today’s most important debates.
“Watkin does much more than round up the usual proof texts: he rather calls our attention to biblical patterns that diagonally cut through taken-for-granted false dichotomies. . . . Take up and take heed.”
—Kevin J. Vanhoozer, Research Professor of Systematic Theology, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
25. Preaching with Biblical Motivation: How to Incorporate the Motivation Found in the Inspired Preaching of the Apostles into Your Sermons by Ray E. Heiple Jr.
Pages: 408 | List Price: $59.99 | SAMPLE CHAPTER | Kindle ($35.99) | ePub ($35.99) | Series: Reformed Academic Dissertations
Reformed theology proposes that the Holy Spirit alone makes the preaching of God’s Word effectual in salvation and sanctification. How can preachers move the hearts of hearers in ways that please and glorify God without being seen as manipulators?
This book traces the development of motivational theories and practices in academia, in the church, and from an assortment of theological persuasions—contrasting them with a study of five sermons in the book of Acts that illustrate biblical principles of motivation.
“An outstanding piece of scholarship. . . . I found myself recommending [it] to every pastor I know. . . . In nineteen years of pulpit ministry, few works have impacted my view of preaching like this one. I am delighted to recommend it to pastors, seminary students, homiletics professors, and anyone who takes pleasure in God’s Word and the preaching of it.”
—C. J. Williams, Professor of Old Testament Studies, Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary
26. Thomas Aquinas by K. Scott Oliphint
168 pages | List Price: $14.99 | SAMPLE CHAPTER | Kindle ($8.99) | ePub ($8.99)
Thomas Aquinas (1224?–1274)
“The prince and master of all Scholastic doctors,” Thomas Aquinas has profoundly impacted thinkers both inside and outside the Roman Catholic Church for more than eight hundred years.
Scott Oliphint’s unique study focuses on Aquinas’s dualistic approach to the natural and revealed knowledge of God and his use of Aristotelian metaphysics. Oliphint provides a response to this methodology in the context of historic Reformed thought and the doctrines of revelation and Scripture.
Pastors, theologians, philosophers, and students will benefit from Oliphint’s clear, precise, and succinct analysis—as well as from his forceful critique.
“This brief study focuses appropriately on the foundational principles that control the thought of Aquinas, showing, along with its notable strengths, the deep tensions inherent in it and its incompatibility as a whole with epistemology that would be true to the self-attesting revelation of God in Scripture. This fundamental failing is brought to light especially in his related views of natural reason as neutral and natural theology. The author’s treatment warrants careful consideration by all those interested in understanding Thomas and subsequent Thomist positions.”
—Richard B. Gaffin Jr., Emeritus Professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology, Westminster Theological Seminary
27. Karl Marx by William D. Dennison
144 pages | List Price: $14.99 | SAMPLE CHAPTER | Kindle ($8.99) | ePub ($8.99)
Karl Marx (1818–1883)
Karl Marx is the most influential political philosopher of the past 150 years. Understanding him is essential to understanding post-WWII Europe, American foreign policy, contemporary China and North Korea, and much of the rhetoric in today’s colleges and political circles in the United States.
William Dennison’s concise volume highlights the key features of Marx’s worldview, including several valuable insights. Dennison’s critical analysis uncovers Marx’s internal contradictions, examines the inherently religious nature of his anti-religious materialism, and documents the horrifying effects of his political philosophy—horrors consistent with Marx’s convictions.
“There are few good, concise books on Karl Marx, his philosophy, and his worldview. There are still fewer written from a biblical, Reformed perspective. This solid treatment by Bill Dennison fills an important niche. I highly recommend it. . . . Here we see Marx examined, at last, from the vantage of innocence, sin, grace, and God’s plan versus Marx’s plan. Alas, this should be how Marx is always viewed. But it has taken Bill Dennison to finally do the job. For that, we owe him a debt of gratitude.”
—Paul G. Kengor, Professor of Political Science and Executive Director, Center for Vision & Values, Grove City College
28. Jacques Derrida by Christopher Watkin
184 pages | List Price: $14.99 | SAMPLE CHAPTER | Kindle ($8.99) | ePub ($8.99)
Jacques Derrida (1930–2004)
One of the most important thinkers of our time, Jacques Derrida continues to have a profound influence on postmodern thought and society.
Christopher Watkin explains Derrida’s complex philosophy with clarity and precision, showing not only what Derrida says about metaphysics, ethics, politics, and theology but also what assumptions and commitments underlie his positions. He then brings Derrida into conversation with Reformed theology through the lens of John 1:1–18, examining both similarities and differences between Derrida and the Bible.
Learn why Derrida says what he says and how Christians can receive and respond to his writing in a balanced, biblical way that is truly beneficial to cultural engagement.
“Chris Watkin has done what I thought was impossible. He has explained Derrida’s deconstruction with lucidity, brevity, and charity. Not only that: he has imagined what it would be like for Cornelius Van Til to go toe-to-toe with Derrida in a discussion about language, logic, and the Logos made flesh, all of which figure prominently in John 1:1–18. And if that were not enough, he has done it in just over a hundred pages. Readers who want to know what all the fuss over postmodernity is about would do well to consult this book.”
—Kevin J. Vanhoozer, Research Professor of Systematic Theology, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School