Richard B. Gaffin Jr. is professor emeritus of biblical and systematic theology at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. He is the author of four P&R titles and the editor of an additional four.

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Richard B. Gaffin Jr. is the author of these 4 titles:

1. Perspectives on Pentecost: New Testament Teaching on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Released: 1979 | 128 pages | Paperback | $11.99

A careful examination of the New Testament teaching on the gifts of the Spirit. Makes a case for the cessation of tongues at the close of the apostolic era.

2. Resurrection and Redemption: A Study in Paul’s Soteriology

Released: 1987 | 160 pages | Paperback | $14.99

A study of the structure of Paul’s theology of Jesus’ resurrection as that doctrine forms the center of Paul’s total theology.

3. By Faith, Not by Sight: Paul and the Order of Salvation

Released: 2013 | 160 pages | Paperback | $14.99 | Sample Chapter

How does an individual receive salvation? Does Paul distinguish between salvation accomplished (historia salutis) and salvation applied (ordo salutis)? Gaffin argues that under both exists a deeper, more fundamental issue—our union with Christ.

4. No Adam, No Gospel: Adam and the History of Redemption

Released: 2015 | 32 pages | Booklet | $4.99 | Sample Chapter

Do Christians have to believe the biblical teaching that all humans descend from a real Adam and Eve? Richard Gaffin shows how such doubts undermine the entire story of redemption.


5. Redemptive History and the New Testament Scriptures by Herman N. Ridderbos

Released: 1988 | 104 pages | Paperback | $11.99

An investigation of the New Testament canon and how it fits into redemptive history.

6. Redemptive History & Biblical Interpretation: The Shorter Writings of Geerhardus Vos

Released: 2001 | 596 pages | Hardcover | $39.99

In Redemptive History & Biblical Interpretation, the shorter writings of this famed theologian have been gathered under one cover. The reader will discover here numerous major biblical and theological studies.

7. Adam in the New Testament: Mere Teaching Model or First Historical Man? by J.P. Versteeg

Released: 2012 | 96 pages | Paperback | $12.99 | Sample Chapter

One challenge to biblical authority is our understanding of Adam. Freshly translated, this acknowledged modern classic defends the historic church position that all human beings descend from Adam as the first human being.

8. Thy Word Is Still Truth: Essential Writings on the Doctrine of Scripture from the Reformation to Today; coeditor: Peter A. Lillback

Released: 2013 | 1,440 pages | Hardcover | $59.99 | Sample Chapter

This is a new collection of Reformed thinkers’ writings, from the Reformation to today, on the inerrancy of Scripture. To these texts contemporary scholars add commentary reflecting the stance of Westminster Theological Seminary.