
The Gospel for Real Life Series

The Gospel for Real Life booklet series by the Association of Biblical Counselors (ABC) applies the timeless hope of Christ to the unique struggles of modern believers.


1. Abuse: Finding Hope in Christ by John Henderson

Compassionately treats the problem of sexual abuse, using one couple’s story. See how the beauty and light of the gospel brings hope and comfort in our darkest circumstances.

Pages: 32 | List Price: $4.99 | Booklet

2. Anxiety: Anatomy and Cure by Robert W. Kellemen

Unfortunately, we may never have full victory over our anxiety, but we can still have victory in our anxiety. This booklet shows how to fight anxiety and do God’s work.

Pages: 48 | List Price: $4.99 | Booklet

3. Borderline: Personality A Scriptural Perspective by Cathy Wiseman

Sufferers of borderline personality disorder face intense fears and feelings that rule their hearts and choices. This detailed study explains how God’s Word can heal the havoc of borderline personality.

Pages: 56 | List Price: $4.99 | Booklet

4. Burnout: Resting in God’s Fairness by Brad Hambrick

Burnout discourages and drains us, and involved Christians are particularly susceptible to it. Brad Hambrick shows us how to budget our time to avoid living beyond our means or trying to gain God’s acceptance.

Pages: 40 | List Price: $4.99 | Booklet | SAMPLE CHAPTER

5. Cutting: A Healing Response by Jeremy Lelek

Some people seek release from life’s turmoil through their own blood. Here, the honest, direct example of one young woman points to the blood of Jesus Christ for true healing.

Pages: 32 | List Price: $4.99 | Booklet | SAMPLE CHAPTER

6. Depression: The Sun Always Rises by Margaret Ashmore

Suffering, in our fallen world, has always been part of the human condition—but Margaret Ashmore reminds us that our choices, not our circumstances, determine whether joy or depression rules our lives.

Pages: 40 | List Price: $4.99 | Booklet | SAMPLE CHAPTER

7. God’s Attributes: Rest for Life’s Struggles by Brad Hambrick

Is your understanding of God balanced? Do you emulate him? Rest in his attributes? This booklet explores sixteen attributes of God, providing tools for reflection and correcting lopsided views.

Pages: 40 | List Price: $4.99 | Booklet | SAMPLE CHAPTER

8. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Recovering Hope by Jeremy Lelek

The profoundly intense responses to PTSD, while involuntary, are still responses—and different responses are possible. Jeremy Lelek shows how the gospel speaks to our experiences with danger and guides PTSD sufferers to peace.

Pages: 64 | List Price: $4.99 | Booklet | SAMPLE CHAPTER

9. Romantic Conflict: Embracing Desires That Bless Not Bruise by Brad Hambrick

Brad Hambrick shows us that Jesus explains how to enjoy marital blessings without turning our desire for them into a source of conflict, “interrupting” conflicts instead with grace and love.

Pages: 32 | List Price: $4.99 | Booklet | SAMPLE CHAPTER

10. Self-Centered Spouse: Help for Chronically Broken Marriages by Brad Hambrick

Brad Hambrick examines Jesus’ teachings about broken relationships and shares strategies for interacting with a chronically self-centered spouse, bringing hope to victims of marital abuse and neglect.

Pages: 40 | List Price: $4.99 | Booklet | SAMPLE CHAPTER

11. Sexual Abuse: Beauty for Ashes by Robert W. Kellemen

Sexual abuse causes unimaginable damage, but often we ignore it. Bob Kellemen uses the story of Tamar to journey into and back out of the pain of abuse, moving sufferers from victimhood to victory.

Pages: 48 | List Price: $4.99 | Booklet | SAMPLE CHAPTER

12. Vulnerability: Blessing in the Beatitudes by Brad Hambrick

Jesus blessed the vulnerable: the poor in spirit, the meek, the mourners. This study of the Beatitudes examines healthy vulnerability, unpacking ways to prayerfully implement it in relationships.

Pages: 32 | List Price: $4.99 | Booklet | SAMPLE CHAPTER

