Ready to Restore: The Layman’s Guide to Christian Counseling
by Jay E. Adams

128 pages | Direct Price: $11.99 $9.00 | Paperback | Released: 1981

Summary: Jay E. Adams is a pioneer in the field of counseling. Here he has taken the most essential elements of counseling and packaged them in a nontechnical volume. The result is neither simplistic, nor superficial, but a complete, systematic course, useful for study groups, bible colleges, church leaders, and individual study.

About the Author: 

Jay E. Adams is known for his many books on counseling and frequent appearances at conferences on Christian living and counseling issues. He served for many years on the faculties of Westminster Theological Seminary and Westminster Seminary in California. He is currently the dean of the Institute for Nouthetic Studies, a distance-learning institution that provides international training in biblical counseling.


Our mis­sion is to serve Christ and his church by pro­duc­ing clear, engag­ing, fresh, and insight­ful appli­ca­tions of Reformed theology.
