Grace Works!: (And Ways We Think It Doesn’t) written by Douglas Bond

Page Count: 304 | Price: $12.99 | Paperback

Sample Chapter | Table of Contents

Summary: When the church downplays the gospel, it breeds its own assassins: moralists who yawn at the notion of free grace in Christ alone. Sounding the alarm, Bond also offers encouragement and biblical solutions.

About the Author:

Douglas Bond is the author of a number of books of historical fiction and biography. He and his wife have two daughters and four sons. Bond is an elder in the Presbyterian Church of America, a teacher, a conference speaker, and a leader of church history tours. Visit his website at


Other Books by Doug Bond:




Our mis­sion is to serve Christ and his church by pro­duc­ing clear, engag­ing, fresh, and insight­ful appli­ca­tions of Reformed theology.

